Summer is here, and it means that you will probably want to spend more time having fun and less time focused on your business.
But, we all know how hard it can be for small business owners to get away from the office and enjoy themselves. You need to make sure that your sales funnel stays full, your customers are being serviced properly, and that your employees are being productive.
With that in mind, here are some great habits that will help you create the margin that you need to enjoy your summer while ensuring that your business continues to earn an adequate profit:
1. Create Specific Goals
Create your goals for the next 90-days. Each goal should include the milestones and the tasks that you need complete to accomplish each one. Having specific tasks for each goal will ensure that things will continue to get accomplished this summer.
2. Stop Multitasking
Multitasking is a productivity killer. Studies have also shown that multitasking causes stress, short term memory loss, and can reduce your ability to concentrate. You will need to focus on one task at a time if you want to get more done this summer.
3. Eliminate Distractions
Distractions are another productivity killer. Switch off your cell phone, close your e-mail application, and put a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door while you are working on important tasks.
4. Manage Your Email
Recent studies show that email can take up 28% of the average small business owner’s day. This translates into as much as 14 hours a week. Don’t let this happen. Instead, pick two times each day too check and respond to your email so that it doesn’t become a productivity killer.
5. Plan Your Day
If you don’t plan your day, something else will. So, pick the three most important tasks that you need to accomplish each day, and complete them before you are interrupted by the urgent and things that are not as important that will show up later in your day.
6. Learn To Say No
As small business owners we need to realize that we can’t say yes to every opportunity. You can’t do it all, and saying yes to one opportunity will often mean that you must say no to something else. Therefore, you need to choose your opportunities wisely, and only say yes to the opportunities that will have the largest positive impact on your business.
7. Review Your Results
Set aside some time every week for a weekly review, where you review your results and plan for your upcoming week. This will help you to assess your results and to make sure that you are always current and up to date on your business.
Implementing these 7 habits will help you to be more productive this summer and for years to come. These habits will also help you to create the margin that you need to spend some time with the people who matter most to you. Implement these 7 habits and enjoy your summer.
Which one of these habits can you implement today?