The Soft Skills of Success

The Soft Skills of Success

Today’s Quote is from Management Consultant Kathy Austin, who said:

“Managers light a fire under people. Leaders light a fire in people.”

QC #754

Leadership and Management are two of the most highly valued skills necessary to be truly effective in our professional and personal lives.

I feel strongly that these skills, along with masterful communications and effective supportive coaching, are the four legs of the solid foundation of soft skills that support our success.

When asked, most professionals usually view leadership as the more “evolved” and enlightened of the two, in that leadership involves the articulation of an inspired future for an individual or group. Conversely, management – and particularly old-school management – is perceived as pushy, aggressive, and often domineering, in order to achieve desired results.

I’d suggest that they can actually work together in an empowered way with effective and inspired leadership as a foundation for effective alignment and a desirable form of self-management. This involves the individual or group sharing a strong commitment with the leaders, willingly promising to give and keep their word to take the actions necessary for eventual success.


How can you develop and master inspired leadership and empowering management capacities to move yourself and others forward, professionally and personally?

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