Mass Retailers gone….MEDICAL?

While you would expect to drive down the street and see a hospital or urgent care facility in your own neighborhood; would you expect to see a medi-clinic in your local Wal-Mart?  Mass retailers like Wal-Mart and CVS drug stores have been in the medi-clinic business? Move over Mc Donald’s!

Why not? In this economy, a Wal-Mart medi-clinic cost is a fraction of the cost of an urgent care facility, ever better yet, an ER visit! The big boys are trying to build a model of “if you build it, and they have cash, they will come!”

You have to think:

  • Does it promote big businesses’ go into the health care business?
  • Do they belong there?
  • Will this help facilitate the push for reformed, controlled health care for the US, or will it be promoting something that just should not be happening; Wal-Mart taking care of sick people? My opinion, if the Doctors are like the sales associates; I may be reluctant.
  • Where does this thing go from here?
  • Where does this put our “choices” of future health care?
  • What is next, Mc Donald’s offering a dental check when you pick up your fries? 

I would love to hear your insights.

Good, bad or indifferent, the vision has been a little depressed lately by the numbers of actual clinics that have been closed or scheduled to not OPEN at all. Both retailers have had a “slow road to a sustainable platform” with this one.

Food for thought: even the big guys make mistakes in opening up “other” revenue streams. Even more evidence that doing due diligence when looking to capitalize on a certain business model needs through planning, proper expansion, vision and a plentiful, willing to pay customer base.

You can read all about this story at

Always Dream Big!

Kim Babjak

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