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Uncovering the Best Business, Marketing & Financial Templates

Templates can make your business run more efficiently, helping you to get more done in less time. To that end, here are 8 of the best resources.

What is your favorite resource for finding templates—from financials to marketing plans to partnership agreements?    

This was the question StartupNation asked of eight business experts. The following answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world's most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, the YEC recently launched #StartupLab, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses via live video chats, an expert content library and email lessons.   

1. LegalZoom

I have had a good experience using LegalZoom for basic legal templates. With a premium account, you are able to download a great number of documents. This is very useful for entrepreneurs who are starting out. Andres Korda, Avanti Way

2. Docstoc   

Docstoc has millions of documents for small businesses — from contracts to business licenses to courses — that can provide help with growing your shop. It's one of the best resources on the Web for finding the right document quickly and easily. Bhavin Parikh, Magoosh Test Prep

3. Quora   

Thanks to other entrepreneurs with my exact same question, I almost always find the best links to high-quality templates and resources from Quora. Derek Flanzraich, Greatist

4. Don't Use Templates!

It's tempting to throw your company name into a stock template and sign it. However, templates will often include language that doesn't apply, or isn't valid, for your business. If you want to save money on legal costs, draft your own agreement and pay a small fee to have a lawyer review it. Rachel Rodgers, Rachel Rodgers Law Office

5. Microsoft Office

I use Microsoft Office for free access to functional templates for applications. Here's how: 1. Open Word. 2. From the menu, select “Help” > “Office on the Web.” 3. Once on the site, select “Get Templates." There are templates available for Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Vision and Word. Choose from categories that include database templates, brochures and more. Jay Wu, Best Drug Rehabilitation

6. Clerky

Clerky has all the standard seed-round fundraising docs you could need. We raised $1.3 million using Clerky, and it eliminated a lot of the hassle of negotiating docs with our investors. Wade Foster, Zapier

7. Google

I strongly believe that the best information exists disseminated across the Web. Depending upon your need, the most unknown sites can have the answers or tools you are looking for. Don’t rely on one site. Rather, find multiple sources to compare, and determine the best assets to use. John Berkowitz, Yodle

8. Nolo

There is a breadth of knowledge at Nolo. Almost any area of law that you might need as an entrepreneur can quickly be referenced and researched. Along with a solid lawyer directory, you can find starter templates that will provide a good basis for the structure of your own legal documents. Michael Costigan, Youth Leadership Specialist

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