In-depth Wix Ecommerce Review: The Pros and Cons

In the ever-expanding world of online retail, choosing the right platform can be the linchpin to success. Wix, known for its user-friendly website builder, has ventured deeply into the ecommerce arena.

But does it truly cater to every aspiring online retailer’s needs, or are there considerable weak spots? Dive into our in-depth review to uncover the pros and cons of Wix Ecommerce and determine if it’s the golden ticket for your online business aspirations.

What Is Wix Ecommerce?

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Wix Ecommerce is a digital platform offered by Wix, designed to allow users to create online stores with ease. Building upon Wix’s user-friendly drag-and-drop website builder — Wix Ecommerce provides tools for product listing, payment processing, inventory management, and more. 

Catering primarily to small and medium businesses, it enables sellers to create a seamless shopping experience for their customers. With customizable templates and integrated payment gateways, Wix Ecommerce simplifies the online selling process for novice and experienced entrepreneurs alike.

Pros of Using Wix Ecommerce

Navigating the vast world of ecommerce can be daunting, but platforms like Wix Ecommerce aim to simplify the journey for entrepreneurs. Here are some key advantages of using Wix Ecommerce:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Wix’s intuitive drag-and-drop builder makes it easy for anyone to set up a professional online store, even those without technical skills.
  • Customizable Design: A plethora of ecommerce-specific templates are available, allowing businesses to create a unique look that aligns with their brand.
  • Integrated Payment Solutions: Wix offers built-in payment gateways. Thereby simplifying transactions and providing customers with diverse payment options.
  • Mobile Optimization: Wix ensures that ecommerce sites are automatically responsive, guaranteeing a seamless shopping experience across devices.
  • Robust App Market: Enhance your store’s functionality with various third-party integrations available in the Wix App Market, from marketing tools to inventory management.
  • Affordable Plans: Wix Ecommerce offers competitive pricing, making it accessible for startups and small businesses.
  • Secure Hosting: Wix provides secure web hosting, ensuring that your online store remains accessible and safe for both you and your customers.

Cons of Using Wix Ecommerce

As innovative as Wix Ecommerce is, no platform is without its drawbacks. Here are some limitations to consider when opting for Wix Ecommerce:

  • Limited Scalability: While perfect for small to medium enterprises, larger stores might find Wix restrictive as their needs grow and evolve.
  • Transaction Fees: Some Wix plans come with transaction fees, which can be a concern for businesses operating on tight budgets.
  • Fewer Advanced Features: Compared to dedicated ecommerce platforms, Wix might lack some of the in-depth functionalities sought by larger retailers.
  • SEO Challenges: Although Wix has made strides in its SEO capabilities, it may not offer the extensive customization options that seasoned marketers desire.
  • Site Speed Concerns: Wix sites, when heavily populated with high-res images or numerous product listings, can sometimes suffer from slow loading speeds.
  • Limited Customization with Coding: For those looking to make deep custom changes via coding, Wix might not be as flexible as other platforms.
  • Vendor Lock-in: Transitioning to another platform from Wix can be challenging due to the proprietary nature of its system.

Wix Ecommerce Features to Consider

Now that you have an overview of Wix Ecommerce’s potential, let’s take a look at some of the most important features to give you a better idea of what you are working with.

Design and Customization Options

Available Templates and Themes: Wix Ecommerce offers a diverse range of ecommerce-specific templates for various sectors, including fashion and electronics. These templates, with their contemporary designs, ensure businesses can launch with a polished appearance quickly.

Customization Flexibility: Wix’s drag-and-drop functionality provides easy customization from fonts to colors. Additionally, Wix’s Velo feature allows advanced users to integrate custom coding for deeper design changes.

Limitations and Challenges: Though Wix is versatile, it may not match the granularity of dedicated ecommerce platforms. Major customizations might necessitate third-party apps. Also, switching themes after significant customization means redoing a considerable amount of work.

Product Listing and Inventory Management

Ease of Adding and Managing Products: Wix Ecommerce offers an intuitive interface for product listings. Uploading product details, images, and descriptions is straightforward — making product management efficient for both novices and experienced merchants.

Inventory Management and Tracking: Wix provides comprehensive inventory management tools, giving merchants real-time insights into stock levels. Features like low stock notifications ensure businesses can act promptly, preventing stock-outs or overselling.

Product Variations: Merchants can easily cater to varied customer preferences thanks to Wix’s support for multiple product variations, be it sizes, colors, or other attributes. This feature allows for flexibility in setting different prices or tracking inventory specific to each variation.

Payment and Checkout Process

Available Payment Gateways and Integration: Wix Ecommerce supports a variety of trusted payment gateways, from popular options like PayPal and Stripe to regional favorites. This flexibility ensures merchants can cater to a broad audience and offer multiple payment methods.

Security Measures for Transactions: Safety is paramount for Wix. The platform employs robust encryption methods and complies with PCI DSS, ensuring that customer data and transactions are secure.

Checkout Process Evaluation: Wix offers a streamlined checkout process designed for user convenience. However, while it supports one-page checkout and guest checkout options, some users might find it less customizable compared to dedicated ecommerce platforms, potentially limiting more intricate checkout flow designs.

SEO and Marketing Tools

Built-in SEO Tools and Features: Wix provides a comprehensive suite of SEO tools, helping businesses rank higher on search engines. Features like the SEO Wiz guide users through optimization steps, ensuring even those new to SEO can boost their site’s visibility.

Optimizing Product Pages: Merchants can easily add meta titles and descriptions, and customize URLs for product pages. Additionally, Wix’s structured data tools ensure product listings are showcased effectively in search results.

Marketing Tools and Integrations: Wix Ecommerce offers various marketing integrations, from email marketing platforms like Mailchimp to social media promotion tools. Their built-in email marketing campaigns, coupled with third-party integrations from the Wix App Market, ensure businesses have ample avenues to reach their audience effectively.

Performance and Speed

Loading Speed and Performance: Wix Ecommerce websites are designed to be fast and responsive, ensuring a smooth user experience. However, as with many drag-and-drop platforms, site speed can vary based on design choices, such as high-resolution images or extensive app integrations.

Potential Limitations or Concerns: For stores with a vast product range or those using numerous high-res images, there might be occasional slowdowns. Some users have reported performance dips during high-traffic periods, which is crucial for merchants to monitor.

Tools and Optimizations for Improved Performance: Wix offers a range of optimization tools, including image optimization features that automatically compress and adjust images for web viewing. The platform also recommends best practices, such as reducing the use of heavy media files, to maintain optimal site speed and responsiveness

Store Analytics

Store Analytics on Wix Ecommerce: Wix provides merchants with an integrated analytics dashboard, offering insights into the performance of their online store. This allows businesses to understand their audience better and make informed decisions.

Available Metrics: Some of the key metrics available include customer acquisition sources, conversion rates, average order value, and customer retention rates. These metrics help merchants gauge store performance, track sales, and understand customer behavior over time.

Potential Limitations: While Wix’s analytics are comprehensive for most small to medium-sized businesses, larger enterprises or those looking for granular data might find them somewhat limiting. The platform might not offer in-depth analysis or advanced segmentation that specialized analytics tools can provide.

Customer Support and Resources

Customer Support Options: Wix offers robust customer support tailored to ecommerce users, ranging from live chat to phone support. Their response times are commendable, ensuring that merchants face minimal downtime during issues.

Available Resources: Beyond direct support, Wix boasts an extensive library of tutorials, articles, and videos that address common challenges and guide users through the platform’s features. Their community forums are also active, providing a space for merchants to share experiences and solutions.

Additional Support Features for Ecommerce Users: Wix Ecommerce has specialized tools to enhance the selling experience. Features like abandoned cart recovery help merchants recapture potential sales, while order tracking ensures both sellers and buyers can monitor order progress seamlessly. These features, combined with their strong support ecosystem, make Wix a dependable choice for ecommerce endeavors.

Pricing and Plans

Overview of Pricing Plans: Wix Ecommerce has several pricing tiers to cater to businesses of varying scales. While plans can change, they usually range from basic options ideal for smaller ventures to advanced ones tailored for bigger operations.

Value for Money: The basic plans offer foundational ecommerce tools suitable for startups or smaller businesses. In contrast, advanced plans pack more features like subscription selling, better analytics, and priority support, targeting businesses poised for growth or diversification.

Potential Limitations or Restrictions: Entry-level plans might come with storage and bandwidth caps, potentially limiting larger stores or those with high-res media. Some advanced ecommerce tools might be exclusive to higher-tier plans, and there might be transaction fees or third-party payment gateway requirements, introducing extra costs.


Wix Ecommerce offers a user-friendly environment that caters to both budding entrepreneurs and growing businesses. While it starts with intuitive tools suitable for beginners, it also provides advanced features to accommodate scaling operations. 

However, when compared to some specialized ecommerce platforms, there might be some ceiling to its scalability. Nevertheless, Wix Ecommerce’s continuous updates and robust app marketplace ensure that businesses of varied sizes find value, flexibility, and growth potential within the platform.

Taking Your Business by the Horns with Wix Ecommerce

Wix Ecommerce allows users to effortlessly set up online stores using its intuitive interface and customizable designs. It’s ideal for small to medium businesses, but larger entities might find some limitations. 

Some challenges include transaction fees and potential SEO and speed concerns. While suitable for both beginners and growing businesses, it may not be as scalable as specialized ecommerce platforms. In essence, Wix offers a balance of adaptability and potential for various business sizes.


Can you start selling products on Wix Ecommerce without any technical experience? 

  • You can track and analyze your online store’s performance using Wix’s built-in analytics tools that provide insights into sales, traffic, and customer behavior.
  • Yes, Wix Ecommerce can handle sales tax calculations based on your store and customer’s location.

How can you track and analyze your online store’s performance?

  • You can track and analyze your online store’s performance using Wix’s built-in analytics tools that provide insights into sales, traffic, and customer behavior.
  • Yes, Wix Ecommerce allows you to create personalized discounts and pricing for specific customer groups.

Does Wix Ecommerce handle sales tax calculations?

  • Yes, Wix Ecommerce can handle sales tax calculations based on your store and customer’s location.

How can you track and analyze your online store’s performance?

  • You can track and analyze your online store’s performance using Wix’s built-in analytics tools that provide insights into sales, traffic, and customer behavior.
  • Yes, Wix Ecommerce offers SSL security to ensure the encryption and safety of online transactions.

Is it possible to offer personalized discounts or pricing for specific customer groups? 

  • Yes, Wix Ecommerce allows you to create personalized discounts and pricing for specific customer groups.

Does Wix Ecommerce handle sales tax calculations?

  • Yes, Wix Ecommerce can handle sales tax calculations based on your store and customer’s location.

How can you track and analyze your online store’s performance?

  • You can track and analyze your online store’s performance using Wix’s built-in analytics tools that provide insights into sales, traffic, and customer behavior.
  • Yes, Wix Ecommerce is designed to be user-friendly, allowing users to set up and sell products without extensive technical experience.

Does Wix Ecommerce provide SSL security for online transactions?

  • Yes, Wix Ecommerce offers SSL security to ensure the encryption and safety of online transactions.

Is it possible to offer personalized discounts or pricing for specific customer groups? 

  • Yes, Wix Ecommerce allows you to create personalized discounts and pricing for specific customer groups.

Does Wix Ecommerce handle sales tax calculations?

  • Yes, Wix Ecommerce can handle sales tax calculations based on your store and customer’s location.

How can you track and analyze your online store’s performance?

  • You can track and analyze your online store’s performance using Wix’s built-in analytics tools that provide insights into sales, traffic, and customer behavior.
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