Best CRMs for Real Estate

Real estate agents are always on the hunt for the best tools that can help them streamline their business processes and close more deals. One such tool that has become essential to the real estate industry is CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. But with so many options available, how do you choose the best one for your business?

In this article, we will explore some of the top CRM software options for real estate agents, and explain the key features and benefits of each. If you’re a real estate agent looking to improve your efficiency and profitability, keep reading to find out which CRM is the right fit for you.

Quicklook: Best CRM for Real Estate Agents

  1. Salesforce – Get Started
  2. Pipedrive – Get Started
  3. – Get Started
  4. LionDesk – Get Started
  5. PropertyBase – Request a Demo
  6. FreshSales – Get Started

Identifying Your Needs in a CRM

As a real estate agent, finding the best CRM software for your business can be tricky. There are various CRM platforms out there, each offering different features, benefits, and pricing plans. Therefore, identifying your needs in a CRM is the first step towards choosing the best CRM for real estate agents.

When it comes to real estate, client inquiries and lead generation play a crucial role in the growth and success of your business.

A good CRM solution for real estate professionals should focus on:

  • Contact management
  • Pipeline management
  • Transaction management

When it comes to choosing the best CRM for real estate agents, there are several excellent options available in the market. 

Benefits of Using a CRM in Real Estate

In the real estate business, customer relationship management (CRM) is essential for managing client data, inquiries, and relationships. A reliable CRM platform automates processes, maximizes communication, and improves customer experience. Real estate professionals invest in effective CRM solutions to optimize their sales process, manage their pipeline effectively, and drive revenue growth.

Many CRM software options are available in the market, each offering unique features that cater to the real estate business niche. The best CRM for real estate agents depends on various factors such as the size and structure of the real estate agency, the sales process, and the most important feature requirements. Market leaders of CRMs offer powerful tools with advanced features, including workspace customization, email marketing campaigns, and sales pipeline management.

No matter the size of the real estate company, selecting the right CRM offers tools to strengthen customer relationships, ensure pipeline management, and drive sales growth.

Top CRM Software Solutions for Real Estate Agents

As a real estate agent, your job heavily relies on maintaining good customer relationships and keeping track of your sales pipeline. Here are our top choices for real estate agents:


Salesforce CRM is a powerful solution for real estate agents that helps automate their sales and marketing efforts. Designed to enhance productivity and customer relationship management, Salesforce CRM offers a range of features tailored for the real estate industry.

Key features of Salesforce CRM for real estate agents include:

  • Lead Management: Easily capture and manage leads from various sources, such as websites, social media, and email campaigns. The platform allows you to track leads, assign tasks, and monitor progress, ensuring efficient follow-up and conversion.
  • Contact and Account Management: Salesforce CRM enables you to maintain a comprehensive database of contacts and accounts, including buyer and seller details, preferences, and transaction history. This centralized system facilitates personalized interactions and better client engagement.
  • Opportunity Tracking: Keep track of potential deals and opportunities, including property listings, negotiations, and sales stages. Salesforce CRM provides a visual pipeline view, allowing agents to monitor progress, prioritize tasks, and forecast revenue.
  • Marketing Automation: With built-in marketing automation tools, you can create targeted campaigns, send personalized emails, and track engagement metrics. Integration with popular marketing platforms enhances your ability to nurture leads and drive conversions.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Generate insightful reports and dashboards to analyze sales performance, marketing effectiveness, and overall business growth. Data-driven insights help you make informed decisions and optimize your real estate strategies.

Mobile & Desktop Availability 

Salesforce CRM is available on both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring seamless accessibility for real estate agents on the go. The desktop version offers a comprehensive user interface with extensive customization options, while the mobile app enables agents to access crucial information, manage tasks, and collaborate with team members from anywhere.


Pricing for Salesforce CRM varies depending on the edition and additional features required. The cost typically ranges from $25 to $300 per user per month, with options for scalability and customization based on your business needs.

Get started with SalesForce


Pipedrive CRM is a popular solution for real estate agents that offers an intuitive and user-friendly platform to manage sales pipelines and optimize customer interactions. Tailored to meet the specific needs of real estate professionals, Pipedrive CRM provides a range of features to create workflows and improve productivity.

Key features of Pipedrive CRM for real estate agents include:

  • Pipeline Management: Organize your real estate deals and prospects into a visual pipeline, allowing you to track each stage of the sales process. This feature enables you to prioritize tasks, set reminders, and ensure timely follow-ups, ultimately leading to more closed deals.
  • Lead and Contact Management: Capture and centralize leads from various sources, including websites, emails, and advertisements. Pipedrive CRM helps you efficiently manage and nurture leads, maintain contact details, and gain valuable insights into each prospect’s engagement level.
  • Email Integration: Seamlessly integrate your email account with Pipedrive CRM to track and manage email communication. This feature allows you to send and receive emails within the CRM, sync correspondence, and automate follow-up reminders.
  • Document Management: Store and manage important real estate documents, such as contracts, property details, and client records, directly within Pipedrive CRM. This centralized repository ensures easy access and collaboration, saving time and improving document organization.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Generate comprehensive reports and analytics to gain insights into your real estate sales performance. Pipedrive CRM offers visual dashboards and customizable reports, helping you track key metrics, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Mobile & Desktop Availability 

Pipedrive CRM is available on both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring flexibility and accessibility for real estate agents. The desktop version provides a user-friendly interface with customizable views and advanced functionalities. Additionally, Pipedrive offers a mobile app for iOS and Android devices, enabling agents to manage their sales pipeline, access client information, and collaborate from their mobile devices.


Pipedrive CRM pricing starts at $12.50 per user per month for the Essential plan, which includes basic features. Additional plans with more advanced features are available, such as the Advanced and Professional plans, priced at $24.90 and $49.90 per user per month, respectively. Pipedrive also offers a 14-day free trial for users to test the platform before making a commitment.

Get started with Pipedrive CRM is a versatile and customizable solution with a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features. It offers real estate professionals the tools they need to effectively manage their sales processes.

Key features of CRM for real estate agents include:

  • Customizable Workflows: CRM allows you to create and customize workflows that align with your real estate sales processes. From lead generation and prospecting to deal closing and client onboarding, you can tailor the CRM to match your specific requirements and optimize efficiency.
  • Lead and Contact Management: Capture and organize leads from various sources, such as websites, social media, and referrals. CRM provides a centralized database for managing contacts, tracking communication history, and nurturing relationships with potential clients.
  • Deal Tracking: Visualize your real estate deals and sales pipelines with intuitive and customizable dashboards. CRM enables you to track the progress of each deal, assign tasks to team members, set reminders, and ensure smooth collaboration throughout the sales process.
  • Document Management: Store and manage important real estate documents, contracts, property details, and client information within CRM. This feature allows you to access documents easily, collaborate with team members, and maintain an organized record of all relevant information.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Generate insightful reports and analytics to gain valuable insights into your real estate sales performance. CRM offers visual representations of data, customizable reports, and performance metrics to help you track key indicators, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Mobile & Desktop Availability CRM is available on both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring accessibility and flexibility for real estate agents. The desktop version provides a comprehensive user interface with extensive customization options, while the mobile app allows agents to access and manage their CRM data on the go.


Pricing for CRM varies based on the number of users and additional features required. The platform offers different pricing tiers, starting at $8 per user per month for the Basic plan. More advanced plans, such as Standard, Pro, and Enterprise, are available with additional features and increased functionality.

Get started with


LionDesk CRM is a comprehensive and user-friendly solution designed specifically for real estate agents and is highly recommended throughout the industry. This CRM can be used in all aspects of the real estate process from agents, brokers, loan officers, and title companies.

Key features of LionDesk CRM for real estate agents include:

  • Contact and Lead Management: LionDesk CRM enables agents to easily capture and organize leads from multiple platforms. You can efficiently manage contact details, track communication history, assign tasks, and more.
  • Automated Communication: LionDesk CRM offers automated communication capabilities, allowing you to send personalized emails, text messages, and even video messages to your contacts. This feature helps you stay engaged with leads and clients, saving time and ensuring consistent communication.
  • Task and Appointment Management: Stay organized with LionDesk CRM’s task and appointment management features. You can set reminders, schedule follow-ups, and track important deadlines, ensuring that no opportunity or appointment is missed.
  • Transaction Management: LionDesk CRM provides tools to manage and track transactions, including document storage, e-signature integration, and task assignment. This time-saving feature aids in the transaction process and keeps all relevant information in one place for easy access.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Gain valuable insights into your real estate business with LionDesk CRM’s reporting and analytics capabilities. Generate reports on lead sources, conversion rates, and sales performance, helping you make data-driven decisions and identify areas for improvement.

Mobile & Desktop Availability 

LionDesk CRM is available on both desktop and mobile devices, providing seamless accessibility for real estate agents.


Pricing for LionDesk CRM starts at $25 per user per month for the Starter plan, which includes essential features. Additional plans, such as the Pro and Pro Plus, offer advanced features, integrations, and increased customization options at higher price points. LionDesk CRM also offers a 30-day free trial for users to experience the platform before committing to a subscription.

Get started with LionDesk


PropertyBase CRM offers features such as lead and contact management, property listing management, transaction workflows, marketing automation, and reporting capabilities. It is made for conducting real estate processes, such as nurturing leads, staying organized, and making data-driven decisions.

Whether it’s capturing leads, managing properties, or tracking transactions, PropertyBase CRM provides the tools and flexibility real estate agents need to succeed in their day-to-day operations.

Key features of PropertyBase CRM for real estate agents include:

  • Aggregate Listings from MLS: This feature allows the agent to pull in many directories to find and send more potential properties to their clients.
  • Property Management: With PropertyBase CRM, agents can easily manage property listings, including property details, photos, and virtual tours. The platform offers search functionalities, automated updates, and integrated MLS (Multiple Listing Service) data, enabling agents to efficiently market and manage their properties.
  • Transaction Management: PropertyBase CRM provides tools to optimize the transaction process, including document management, task assignment, and deadline tracking. Agents can monitor the progress of transactions, collaborate with team members, and ensure a smooth closing process.
  • Marketing Automation: The CRM platform offers marketing automation capabilities, allowing agents to create targeted campaigns, automate email, and social media marketing, as well as track campaign performance. This feature helps agents nurture leads, stay top of mind with clients, and drive engagement.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Get real-time analytics from multiple sources including your agency site, socials, and newsletters to determine which channels are driving the most engagement and conversions.

Mobile & Desktop Availability 

PropertyBase CRM is available on both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring agents can access their data and manage their workflows from anywhere.


Pricing for PropertyBase CRM varies based on the specific needs of the real estate agency or brokerage. As pricing is customized, you must schedule a demo with PropertyBase directly for accurate pricing details.

Get started with PropertyBase


Freshsales CRM is a versatile customer relationship management solution that can be adapted to the needs of real estate agents. While it is not specifically tailored for the real estate industry, it offers features that support the sales and relationship management processes of real estate professionals.

Key features of Freshsales CRM for real estate agents include:

  • Robust Mobile App: The mobile version of FreshSales allows agents to perfectly sync their client statuses while on the go.
  • Contact and Account Management: Agents can organize and track their contacts and accounts in Freshsales CRM, including buyer and seller information, preferences, and communication history. This helps in maintaining a centralized database and personalized interactions with clients.
  • Deal and Pipeline Management: FreshSales offers a visual pipeline view to track the progress of real estate deals, from initial contact to closing. Agents can monitor deal stages, set reminders, and collaborate with team members, ensuring smooth transaction management.
  • Email and Communication Tracking: Email integration allows agents to send, receive, and track emails within the CRM. This feature ensures that all communication with clients is logged and easily accessible for reference.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Agents can generate reports, analyze key metrics, and gain insights to make informed business decisions.

Mobile & Desktop Availability 

Freshsales CRM is available on both desktop and mobile devices. The desktop version offers a comprehensive interface with customization options, while the mobile app enables agents to access and manage their CRM data on the go.


Freshsales CRM offers various plans with different features and pricing tiers, starting from $12 per user per month for the Blossom plan. They also provide a 21-day free trial for users to evaluate the platform before committing to a subscription.

Get started with FreshSales

Choosing a CRM Solution for You

Overall, choosing the right CRM for real estate agents is crucial for effectively managing customer relationships, streamlining workflows, and ultimately boosting sales and revenue. It can help agents stay organized, provide personalized service, and gain valuable insights into their performance. With numerous options available on the market, it’s essential to carefully evaluate features, pricing, and user reviews to find the CRM that best fits an agent’s specific needs and goals.


  1. What is CRM for Real Estate and why is it important?

CRM for Real Estate or Customer Relationship Management for Real Estate is a software solution that helps real estate agents and brokers manage their client data and communication. It is important because it helps agents and brokers to follow up with clients, manage their pipeline efficiently, and deliver a better experience to their clients.

  1. What kind of features should I look for in a CRM for Real Estate?

The key features that a CRM for Real Estate should have include lead capture and management, automated follow-up and drip campaigns, transaction management, email and SMS marketing, collaborative team features, reporting and analytics, and mobile access.

  1. How can CRM for Real Estate improve my sales and marketing efforts?

CRM for Real Estate can improve sales and marketing efforts by automating lead capture and follow-up, streamlining customer communication, providing real-time insights into customer behavior, helping to prioritize leads, and delivering personalized messages to ensure that customers stay engaged with your brand.

  1. How long does it take to implement a CRM for Real Estate into my business?

The time it takes to implement a CRM for Real Estate largely depends on the complexity of your business requirements and the size of your team. However, most modern CRM software can be set up and are ready to use in a matter of days, if not hours.

  1. Can I integrate CRM for Real Estate with my existing tools and systems?

Yes, most CRM software for Real Estate can be integrated with your existing tools and systems, including email and marketing automation software, accounting software, and other back-office tools. This integration ensures that all your data is kept in sync, eliminating duplication of work and improving overall efficiency.

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