I am green with business

I know it's bad to be green with envy. But it sure is good to be green with business.

Responding to the groundswell of "green practices" in big and small business today, we've
created a brand new forum category at StartupNation dedicated to All Things Green in business.

It's a sign of the times, no? And if done smartly, it really seems like there's no downside to business practices that have some kind of social, conservational or environmental benefit.


hope this new forum area becomes a vibrant part of our community discussion offerings. Jeff and I can't imagine anything more exciting than mixing the passion of growing a business with the passion for creating a better world around us. It's a central part of our Manifesto – to maximize the fulfillment we gain from being entrepreneurs. And getting on the green bandwagon can only add to that fire in the belly!

We don't profess, though, to be experts on green business specifically, so we're looking to readers of this blog and listeners to our national radio program who do have experience going green to help out – offer up ideas for "best practices", and create greater awareness within our community membership.

We're also recrafting our content for "10 Steps to Open for Business" to focus expressly on "10 Steps to Open a Green Business" – and we need your guidance there, too.

And one really exciting thing you can look forward to is an upcoming
ranking we're going to do of the "Top Ten Greenest" home-based
businesses in America. We'll look forward to highlighting them here and
mulling over their "green-ness"!


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