Green Business

What Does it Mean to be a Green Business?

Being a green business is more than just recycling

If you are a new business owner or considering starting one you have probably heard a lot about businesses that are going green. Not only is this becoming more popular for companies, but people are making a big push to make their homes green, and green schools are even popping up. So what does it mean exactly?

Green businesses are also known as sustainable businesses. They have a very limited negative impact on the environment and society and strive to improve the quality of life of their employees, customers, communities and the environment. Green businesses try to have this positive impact from start to finish: from production to delivery.

How can you make your business more green friendly?

Recycle. That might seem obvious, but it is commonly overlooked. In addition to making sure you recycle as a business owner, encourage it down the line to your employees. Keep accessible recycling bins around to make it as easy as possible, as well as post signs encouraging recycling. This should be rolled out as a common practice during the hiring and onboarding process to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Reduce printed materials. Instead of passing around a thick, printed handbook or handing out physical pay stubs, work to make everything electronic. Keep all business rules and best practices on an online database and try to have direct deposit paychecks.

Keep eating areas stocked with actual silverware, plates and cups. Instead of keeping drawers filled with plastic cutlery that will just end up in a landfill, keep washable kitchen supplies on-hand.

Look into ways to make your business more energy efficient. Not only will this help the environment, it will probably help your wallet too. This can include making sure lights and electronics are shut down at night or are motion sense and purchasing Energy Star-qualified products.

Contribute to society. Have volunteer days where your employees help a local shelter or school. Try to purchase fair tried certified products. Instead of supplying plastic water bottles put filters on faucets.

There are many ways to make your business more eco-friendly. In addition to any type of businesses being more environmentally conscious, some retail establishments are actually selling green products. Stocking store shelves with organic and fair trade certified merchandise is one way to run a green retail store. This can span across many categories, from foods and beverages to clothing and artwork and everything in between. Whether running your business in a way that benefits the environment or selling merchandise that is green friendly is what you are aiming for, making even small changes can steer your business in a direction that is good for the earth and your community.

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