WJR Business Beat: Business Success Means More Than Making Money (Episode 409)

On today’s Business Beat, Jeff Sloan talks with Bob Kratt of Hamilton’s Propane about how business success can be measured in more ways than just the bottom line.

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Jeff: Good morning, Paul! You know, for most of us business is about the bottom-line kind of stuff like making money. And, of course, that’s how it should be. That’s what business is first and foremost, but for some businesses about more than just making money, like supporting your family across generations, having a sense of pride in what you do and how you do it, taking care of your customers by putting them first and by having the opportunity to give back to your community. On our Business Biography show this past Saturday, we had the opportunity to feature the story of Hamilton’s Propane, a three-generation family-owned and -operated business in Southeast Michigan serving rural accounts by delivering propane fuel to homes and business accounts to heat and power those homes and businesses. Just a small little rural company, right? Well, you’d think so, but not a chance. This company owned and operated by Bob Kratt and his two sons, Jeremy and Jason, have built that company into one serving over 10,000 accounts and growing. Hamilton’s Propane is a company built on values and the character of people behind the business. And it not only shows how in many cases, and certainly specifically in this case, that business can mean more than just making money. During my interview with Bob, he had this to say about what his business and his business success means to him, Bob: My family, my kids, my grandkids, my daughter-in-law. It’s great to have a business. It’s great to make money, but that’s not the purpose of it. The purpose of it is to become well-respected citizen within your community and do things for the people, you know, donate when you can, give back to the community and then just be something that you can look yourself in the mirror and be proud of. Jeff: Hats off to Bob, Jason and Jeremy Kratt and their families and employees for your success and for setting such a good example for generations to come. I’m Jeff Sloan, founder and CEO of startupnation.com. and that’s today’s Business Beat on the Great Voice of the Great Lakes, WJR.

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