WJR Business Beat with Jeff Sloan: RingCentral Study on the State of Hybrid Work (Episode 195)

On this morning’s WJR Business Beat, Jeff shares results of Ring Central’s 2021 State of Hybrid Work report, which predicts that the future of work is likely to be a combination of remote and in-office work.

Tune in to the Business Beat to learn more about the future of hybrid work:

“While the pandemic has reshaped the way we’re going to be working, small- and medium-sized businesses are now shifting to hybrid work now and well into the future as the preferred way of doing business.”

– Jeff Sloan

Tune in to News/Talk 760 AM WJR weekday mornings at 7:11 a.m. for the WJR Business Beat. Listeners outside of the Detroit area can listen live HERE.

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Good morning, Paul.

Well, do we return to the office to work once the pandemic begins to ease a bit? If so, when and if, and when, how? So much uncertainty and even much desire by both business owners and employees alike to change the way we work and where we do our work permanently.

Well now, a new study from RingCentral, the 2021 State of Hybrid Work, finds that the majority of small- and medium-sized businesses are welcoming a new era of hybrid work.

That is, a blend of work remotely, some of the time and work in the office at other times. The report includes findings from interviews with over a thousand respondents from companies employing from one to a hundred employees, and it suggests that a majority of small and medium-sized businesses have already embraced the idea of people working from anywhere rather than being required to work in the office.

In fact, they plan to support a mix of in-office and remote working for the long-term future. Interestingly, as it relates to small business, according to these findings, the majority of organizations that plan to support a hybrid workforce are small businesses. They’re the early movers in this new way of conducting their work.

Major takeaways from this study? While the pandemic has reshaped the way we’re going to be working, SMBs small- and medium-sized businesses are now shifting to hybrid work now and well into the future as the preferred way of doing business.

Number two? Attitudes toward remote work have evolved. Business owners and employees now embrace remote work as a viable alternative to working in the office with many embracing it as even a more productive way to do their work.

Work will never be the same again. The days of long commutes and required work in office are officially a thing of the past. Now, certainly office work will not go away entirely, but even for those companies who are opening their offices back up to having their staff return, many will be incorporating this hybrid approach that is clearly going to be part of the new normal, Paul.

I’m, Jeff Sloan, founder and CEO of StartupNation.com, and that’s today’s Business Beat on the Great Voice of the Great Lakes, WJR.

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