Erik Wahl is an internationally recognized graffiti artist, author and entrepreneur. He is one of the most sought-after speakers on the corporate lecture circuit, and redefines the term “keynote speaker.” Utilizing his own experience as a business strategist and an artist, Erik delivers high-energy live painting performances that encourage organizations to unleash their inner creativity. The best-selling author of “Unthink: Rediscover Your Creative Genius,” Erik teaches individuals and organizations how to rediscover their passions.

“The Spark and The Grind”

“The Spark and the Grind” illustrates the delicate balance between creativity and discipline: the spark of inspiration, and the grind of turning that idea into reality. “Sparking the grind and grinding the spark,” according to Wahl, is the two-fold process that ignites the power of disciplined creativity. Wahl offers advice on how to productively unleash your inner creative, by immersing yourself in the unfamiliar, practicing creativity constantly and more.
“The Spark and The Grind” book will be for sale on March 7th, 2017 at booksellers and at

“THE SPARK AND THE GRIND is an authentic masterpiece. No matter what your vision – be it business or personal – when you amplify your own creative output, you will be successful.”

Steven Pressfield, bestselling author of The War of Art

Take a sneak peek behind the scenes! Check out footage captured in Erik Wahl’s San Diego studio, and keep an eye out for exclusive video content from Erik’s upcoming book, “The Spark and Grind,” at

Book Excerpt

Read an excerpt from “The Spark and the Grind,” which illustrates Wahl’s fresh perspective on creativity. Wahl shares how to find inspiration on a
daily basis, and offers practical advice for how to create more sparks while making the grind more productive.


In this exclusive video content from StartupNation, Wahl discusses the power of creativity, and shares how balancing your internal spark and grind are essential in order to be your most creative self. Watch as Wahl digs deeper into three chapters of “The Spark and The Grind” in order to share how trusting the process, embracing a routine and defamiliarizing the ordinary can unleash your inner creative.

~ A StartupNation Exclusive ~

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Purchase your copy of “The Spark and The Grind” and “Unthink” at or wherever fine books are sold.