Home Business

Challenge: What is the Percentage of Businesses Based at Home?

Ever wonder what the percentage is of businesses in America that claim their “headquarters” as the extra bedroom, the basement, the garage, or no room at all–perhaps just a wireless-Internet enabled laptop that wanders with you from room to room. The home is becoming the preferred address to locate a business. And the fact is, and the trend is on the rise.


In most cases, a better question these days is, “Why not?”

Technology takes you online and immediately globalizes your business. It helps you communicate, conduct research, and be as 24/7 as you wish–with or without wires.

Outsourcing of business functions you’d rather not do or can’t do allows you to focus on your strengths and what’s strategic.

Perceptions, once demoting home-based businesses as “half-baked,” now are embracing non-commute businesses because they’re totally connected through technology and also because they’re built around the important things in life, and totally connected.

Economical comes to mind. Home-based use precious resources extremely efficiently. Think about the time you save avoiding traffic jams and the money you save on things like rent, utilities and taxes.

You can read some of our tips about starting a business by visiting our article entitled, “Learn How to Start Your Own At-Home Business.”

So, the answer to the “challenge”?

With all of these compelling reasons to be home-based, according to a recent SBA report, today 53% of U.S. businesses hang the “Open for Business” sign at home.

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