Did Bill Gates Start His Day This Way?

I woke up this morning–and “woke” is a very relative term–to find a nice present from our dog on the living room floor, a leaking refrigerator, hungry children, and a husband who perpetually can’t find his socks.

My main urge was not to start working on my business, my intent was to crawl back in bed and try for a do-over. Obviously, other thoughts raged through my mind, like, how close is the nearest mental health facility was? I also started to wonder if the great leaders of industry ever started a day this way? After all, most great entrepreneurs started as home entrepreneurs.

Can you imagine Henry Ford cleaning up after the family pet? Probably.

Did Bill Gates ever struggle with a broken toaster oven at 5 o-dark-30 in the a.m.? I could see that.

I wonder if Mary Kay ever had to slap together a bunch of lunches before she went about creating one of the nation’s most successful businesses? Maybe.

I’m betting–and I’m just betting here–that all these great business people had a bad morning… or two… or three… but they never quit. They kept going.

And, another bet, they drank lots of coffee.

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