Taking Care of Healthcare

Watch and learn to get ahead of your healthcare costs.

Important viewing – that’s what this is. We each operate businesses in an era in which healthcare impacts us in ever-evolving ways. Rather than being laid back about healthcare costs, we think you should take charge.

That’s why we’re offering this Wells Fargo webcast, hosted by StartupNation’s cofounder and chief startupologist, Rich Sloan. It’s a great overview of the current state of healthcare, HSA’s, smart prevention and alternative care strategies, and more. Industry-leading thinkers are included in this panel discussion, and you’ll be happy to know that NONE of them work for a healthcare provider. Instead, they each offer perspective from OUR side of the table (the side of small business owners, that is).

Wrangling with healthcare costs and formulating a good approach is difficult, but if you sharpen your understanding of the situation and take certain actions, you’ll be able to manage healthcare costs in a way that is of great benefit to your business. Watch and learn to get ahead of your healthcare costs.

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