Web Marketing

Work From Anywhere in the World – Membership Sites

Membership Sites Can Increase Your Mobility

Most business owners are tethered to a static location, and the notion of leaving their business and taking a trip or long vacation just doesn’t seem like an option. It’s time to turn dreaming of being able to work while on vacation to a reality. That’s the magic of creating a membership site. Membership sites create automated passive income streams that don’t require you to be physically present to make money, and require little to no daily upkeep.

Successful membership sites combine the right technology with content that is valuable and a sales funnel that consistently turns leads into sales. You might be telling yourself that you already have a successful web presence or already have a strong following, so you may not see an automatic need for a membership site. Regardless of where you are starting at, there is usually a way that adding a membership component to your web presence can help you to make more money. Along with that, membership sites have other benefits which include creating a space for user interaction, the ability to instantly update your programs, publish your content in one place with ease, and have the opportunity to make a difference for others.

Before jumping in and creating a membership site, there are a few things about membership sites to go over. First, a membership site is a website that people join in order to gain access to exclusive content, features or benefits. Some membership sites offer services for no cost, but others require payment to be able to receive premium access. The idea is that people will pay you for the rights to be able to access what you create. It’s pretty easy right? Of course, you already know that you have to keep adding and creating great content to your site so it makes it worth your members’ hard earned money. The beauty of it is having the right tool that allows you to hide content or limit access to nonmembers while revealing content and granting full access to members.

Membership Site Basics

Membership sites aren’t right for everyone, so how do you know if it is right for you? There’s some questions you can ask yourself to find out: Am I passionate about this subject? What am I offering? Is there a market for what is being offered? Where is the value to the member that chooses you over your competitors?

It’s important to figure out if a membership site is right for you before you begin investing a significant amount of time into the site’s design. So asking yourself questions like those previously mentioned will be a great start. After deciding that, you need to figure out what’s in it for the member, specifically how you want to structure your membership program. What is it that you want to offer? There are a few different categories that you can divide up your membership benefits into.

    1. Interactive Content
    2. Standalone Content
    3. A Mix of Interactive and Standalone Content

The key to running a successful membership site is that there is a reason that people continue to be members. This is one of the key reasons why it is recommended to not allow full access to all of your great content right out of the gate. If all of the information is available right from the start, people might not come back again.

Discovering how to structure the release of content over time is highly encouraged so that users don’t get overwhelmed and become more likely to stick around. Along with discovering how to structure your site, it is important to figure out the most optimal pricing model for your membership site to go along with the different levels of access you are offering.

It’s Time to Get Some Traffic

Once you have all of the above figured out, there’s still one more thing left to figure out. How are you going to distribute and promote your content and let people know you have something great to share with them? A few examples of how to do this include creating sales pages, sales funnels, pre-launches and launches for your content, and using your partners for some added marketing. You can use some or all of these tactics to drive traffic to your site and be on your way to working from anywhere in the world.

After planning out how you are going to drive traffic to your site, you’re set. It’s time to start building your membership site. Membership sites require that your work is front-loaded, but then they give you a chance to sit back and get paid with minimal effort as members continue to access your information. Choosing to move forward with planning and implementing membership site is one way that you can create a lifestyle business.

Go ahead and get your free workbook, How to Use a Membership Site to Create a Passive Income Stream, and get started now. Creating a membership site is easier than you think, and will be worth it once it is completed and ready to go. Don’t worry, if you get stuck on anything along the way, ONTRAPORT is here for you, and can take you step by step through the whole process and help you get to working from anywhere in the world.

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