Web 2.0 Stuff

Yesterday we interviewed a candidate for a software developer position. When we got to the part of the interview where we ask if he has any questions for us, he asked me “why haven’t you updated your blog in a while?” I dug it a little bit and found out that part of his due diligence before applying at PFL, and certainly before flying up from Southern California for an all-day interview, was to do all the online research he could about the company and about me, including searching for blogs and blog mentions. It was a reminder that blogs, social networking, and the other Web 2.0 phenomenon have really changed the world of business.

Does your business have a website? A blog? If you don’t at least have a website, consider putting one up. It doesn’t cost much to create a brief site that tells visitors who you are, what you do, and how to contact you. And if you really want to have authentic conversations with a broad variety of customers and prospects, especially if they are spread all over the world, consider adding a blog. 

Here’s wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2008!


Andrew Field is Founder and President of PrintingForLess.com, known by it’s thousands of customers as "America’s Print Shop." He lives and works along the Yellowstone River in southwest Montana.


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