We’re learning that free is a good price.

Just got a newsletter from the School of Visual Concepts, a Seattle-based org providing classes in several disciplines, giving small businesses that needed vitamin B shot of knowledge to immediately apply in their environments.

“If you were thinking of attending our free “Get a Job in Tough Times” presentation tonight at the School of Visual Concepts, we’re sorry to say that it’s full. Free tends to do that. But the good news is, there are still a few slots left in our other free presentation this week, and you’re invited to snag your spot now. And while you’re snagging, be sure to take a look at some of our 5- and 10-week evening classes that start next week. They’re not free — but if you’ve been laid off from a full-time job in the past six months, you can take them for 50% off the regular rate. Give us a call at 206-623-1560 or drop us a line for more details.”

The message is pretty common these days: get training while it’s cheap and plentiful, cuz everyone’s in the same boat right now.  Being at a large company, training is always emphasized. Sometimes it’s not so much about the skill you are acquiring as it is about meeting others from different departments. Network, network, network.

Who out there has invested in some additional training, and how has it helped you?

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