Hello. My name is Jessica Eaves Mathews and I am a serial entrepreneur.
There. I said it.
I am coming clean. It is high time I admitted that not only do I love helping my law clients set up and run their own businesses, but I have a *fond* attachment to setting up my own businesses. Attachment might be the wrong word.
Flaming desire.
Whatever I call it, I love it. Every minute of it. From the conception of the idea, through the exhausting and creative process of birthing and launching the idea (Lordie — way too many reproductive references in there….). It brings me sheer joy, I must admit, which is probably why I so greatly enjoy helping others make their own dreams into real, live, operating, and, hopefully, profit-making businesses.
And on my journey, I am finding that I tend to serve a role that is broader than just mere lawyer for my clients, friends and family. I tend to be a sounding board, sage, marketing and brand advisor, cheerleader, and the voice of reason. And I like it that way. I love giving legal advice, but I also deeply love playing all of the other roles in order to help my clients get clarity, define their vision, and create a blueprint or recipe for how they are going to get from here to there.
So, why limit myself here? While I was using this blog as a way to share information about the legal aspects of starting and running a business (and I still will), I realized that limiting my comments to just legal issues was actually resulting in a failure to share my entire process, whether it relate to my own ventures, or to those of my clients. I am sure that broadening my perspective here will provide information that many of you will relate to, and hopefully what I share will be of value or encouragement. As always, I welcome your comments, and emails.
If you ever have anything you would like me to address, just send me an email! I’d love to get a dialog going with the readers of my blog, much like the dialog I have with my own clients (with the appropriate disclaimers of course…). Also, feel free to follow me on Twitter! @jessmathews