WJR Business Beat with Jeff Sloan: Verizon Study Highlighting Office Jargon (Episode 171)

On this morning’s WJR Business Beat, Jeff discusses a recently released study by Verizon, which highlights the corporate office jargon that irks Americans the most.

Topping the list as most favored office jargon? “Big picture.”

Coming in very last on the list of least favored phrases? “Behind the 8 ball.”

Tune in to this morning’s Business Beat to learn more about Verizon’s study on office jargon:

Tune in to News/Talk 760 AM WJR weekday mornings at 7:11 a.m. for the WJR Business Beat. Listeners outside of the Detroit area can listen live HERE.

Are you an entrepreneur with a great story to share? If so, contact us at [email protected] and we’ll feature you on an upcoming segment of the WJR Business Beat!

We are checking in with Jeff Sloan, founder and CEO of StartupNation, spotlighting the entrepreneurial, tech and startup community on WJR. We call it our WJR Business Beat, and to close out this week, we’ve got some news relating to the tech and entrepreneurial community from Jeff on the lighter side of business.

And Jeff, I understand that Verizon did a study on the mostly overused, loved and maybe hated, office jargon. It happens to all of us. You walk into the office when we’re remember walking into the office and you instantly pick up the office speak. So, give us what you’re so good at Jeff Sloan, that 30,000-foot view, and by the way, Happy Friday to you.

Yes, Happy Friday, indeed. There you go, Paul. 30,000-foot view, you just used it. Actually, it made the list as one of the most commonly used and loved office phrases. So, to put this in perspective, Paul, let’s say, I simply want to introduce you to a new idea and see what you think about it.

You might likely hear me say something like this:

Paul, I have a new idea that I wanted to run up the flag pole with you. Now you’ll need to think outside the box on this one, Paul. It’s been on my radar screen for a while now. I’ll ping you tomorrow and we’ll do a deeper dive on this one.

Sound familiar? Of course it does. That’s because it’s corporate speak and yes, it’s a real thing. We all do it, you know it, and yes, Paul, in fact, Verizon just completed a study to capture the most commonly used corporate jargon.

Topping the list of most loved, most used? The big picture. Eighty percent of those polled admit to using it all the time at the office.

And just for fun, the most hated phrase, Paul, behind the eight ball. The list goes on and on, but that’s the download on this subject for a Friday, Paul.

Have a great weekend, everybody! I’m Jeff Sloan and that’s today’s Business Beat on the Great Voice of the Great Lakes, WJR.

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