A New Site for Everything Productivity

Your personal productivity can have a huge impact on the success of your business. If you are an entrepreneur, your personal life and professional life probably jumble up into one big pile for you to sort through on a daily basis. That’s why today I am recommending that you add LifeRemix to your feed reader. LifeRemix is a mashup feed of several blogs on productivity, freelancing, living green, and achieving your best. I find the content on there to be highly engaging and of great quality.

Confused by what "mashups" and "feed readers" are?

  • A mashup is a web page that displays data from many sources in one place. See Mashup (web application hybrid) from Wikipedia for more information.
  • A feed reader is a mashup in itself—it combines all the feeds from your favorite sites into one place so you can read them. See Save Time with Subscriptions for more information.

Nikole Gipps is the principal of NHG Consulting, a web design and marketing firm. She can be reached through her StartupNation profile, her company website, or her Small Business Essentials blog.

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