Contest Winners Every Day from Dell and StartupNation

We launched a contest last week in partnership with Dell where you can enter every day between last Monday September 18 & November 16 to win. Pretty cool prizes too: you can instantly win a Dell Handheld, Dell Laser Printer, or a 50” Dell Flat Panel TV.

Some of the winners have bragged about their good fortune in the StartupNation community forum. It’s kinda cool to see that people are actually winning in contests such as these and it’s even cooler that there is a community forum here at StartupNation that provides a platform for sharing good fortune.

And I’m not just talking about lucky contest-winning good fortune. Much more importantly, people are sharing the good fortune of successfully moving from dreaming about starting their own business – leaving behind that corporate cubicle or whatever chains that bind, to actually doing it!

All across the nation, the StartupNation, people just like you & me are using the inspiration and the information found all throughout to embark on their dream life.

It might be a free contest that catches your eye, but it’s the desire to live the life you want that will make you a true winner. And there just ain’t no luck involved in that.

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