Best Practices

How You Can Become a Very Successful Blogger

Here are a number of tips to help you become a very successful blogger.

Let’s face it: everybody is blogging. Some bloggers are companies and others are individuals. Some people blog about their hobbies and others blog about their businesses. The bottom line is that a blog has enormous potential when it comes to promoting your business, positioning your brand and earning you expert status.

These are some tips to become a very successful blogger.

Provide Useful Information

I know what you’re thinking, “Duh.” But you’ll be surprised by the number of blogs out there that talk about things that their readers already know or don’t even care about. Think about who your reader is and what information she looks forward to.

Be Yourself

Have your own style and stick to it. People have to feel that they have something in common with you, and you need to feed this relationship by being yourself.

Talk About Upcoming Posts

This is the best way to keep your audience plugged in and to get a lot of subscribers. Create a lot of expectation and then over-deliver.

Respond to Comments

Take the time to answer when people leave comments. Most new blogs have zero comments so when people actually take the time to post a one, be kind enough to reply.

Add Related Posts

This makes all the difference between a blog where people spend 2 minutes and one where people spend half an hour. Always invite people to check posts related to the one that brought them to your site.

Optimize Your Blog for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Use the posts’ titles for the permalinks and, in the case you are using WordPress as your blogging platform, install the All-in-One SEO plugin for WordPress. Also, do keyword research and optimize your posts around powerful keywords.

Invite Guest Bloggers

Invite other experts in your field to write on your blog.

Comment on Your Readers’ Blogs

Blogging is a two-way activity. If people take the time to comment on your blog, do the same thing for them.

Start With a Goal in Mind

I put this tip last on the list, but it’s the most important one. You need to start your blogging efforts by asking yourself this question, “Why will I be blogging?” Once you understand what your goals are, you can become a much more successful blogger.

Eager for more? Check out Zeke’s series "Getting Social Smarts" and his three podcasts below for more great online marketing information and tips!

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