Incredible outpouring of help

We owe a BIG thanks to the people who stepped up last week as volunteers to test drive our soon-to-be-released "10 Steps to Start Up" online process. You know who you are–BRAVO!!! We’ll be working with you closely in the weeks ahead. When the 10-Step program is released on, we’re planning to list out all of the names of the incredible people who helped us streamline and perfect the 10 Step resource so it packs maximum punch!

For those of you pursuing your startup dreams, this is going to be a great tool for you to use as you transform your dreams into plans and action!

If you aren’t one of last week’s volunteers but have specific recommendations and needs for an online tool that would walk you through the key steps to starting your business, feel free to leave your suggestions and ideas below. This will further help us make the 10-step online program as effective as possible for you.

Looking forward to your thoughts!

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