Media Interview Tips for Tech Experts

Why do you have to talk to the press?

If you want to increase awareness without paying for advertising, your business is probably involved in public relations, or getting noticed by the press. When the right publications talk about your products and services, you can see sales increase dramatically. But for tech people, this can be easier said than done.

Most tech experts have spent a good deal of time in front of a computer screen working on code, graphics and more. The last thing they have experience in is talking to the press. However, if your business is using some hot, new technology, at some point, the media will start calling. Then what do you do?

For help, here are a few tips I’d like to share from personal experience:

1.    Research.

Before your interview, find out as much as you can about the media venue and the reporter who will be interviewing you. Figure out who their audience is and how you can provide value to them. If you don’t have a lot of time to prepare, be sure you at least visit the media venue’s Website to get as much information as possible in the time that you have.

2.    Practice.

If possible, get the questions in advance and figure out your answers. What can you say that puts your products and services in the best light while giving valuable information? Focus on the benefits you can provide.

Instead of memorizing responses, right down some talking points and do a practice interview with your company’s publicist or a fellow employee. This way, you’ll sound natural rather than reading a script.

If you don’t have time to get media training from an experienced expert, rehearse in front of a video camera and notice little “quirks” that stand out. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll feel during a real interview. And if you practice on a regular basis, you’ll be ready for last-minute interviews at all times.

3.    Focus.

When the interview occurs, take a deep breath and concentrate on what the reporter asks you. Give your responses with the audience in mind. What’s in it for them?

And most important, don’t sweat it. Even if you are not comfortable talking to reporters, you are comfortable with your expertise. Remember, media members want to interview you because you are an expert in your field. And since most interviews go by quickly, know that the experience will be over before you know it.

Media Interviews are Important.

A good interview with the press can build significant credibility and get new businesses noticed. As a tech leader at your organization, part of your job is to share your expertise with the media to promote your company’s products and services.

If you don’t feel comfortable talking to the press, get media training in advance. Read about different interview techniques and practice in front of a video camera. The more you prepare, the better you’ll do. I still get nervous when I do media interviews, but I just focus on providing good responses and my technical knowledge. That works for me, and I hope these tips help you!

Robert LeCount is The Rich Dad Company’s Director of Information Technology. Based on Robert Kiyosaki’s best-selling book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” The Rich Dad Company uses innovative technology to offer a new way to think about money and investing. For more information, please write to Robert below or at

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