Networking at Trade Shows

Last time I talked about growing a contact list by networking. Over the next few posts I'll talk about some specific places that are excellent networking opportunities. Today I'd like to talk about trade shows.

Trade shows are an excellent resource for good sales leads. The costumers you meet are pretty much pre-selected buyers. The nature of the event assumes that people want to hear your message: they pay a fee to go to a show about similar products. You can collect a whole slew of new contacts by using guest books, contests, sweepstakes, or membership cards. If your company does business-to-business sales, consider attending for the sole purpose of gathering leads.

Tip: Like any other networking opportunity, make sure to follow up with your new subscribers within a few days. It's a good idea to welcome them to your contact lists before they receive the first email. Make sure to thank them for the contact and remind them of your conversation.

Next time, I'll talk about other ways to grow a list.

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