Leading Moms in Business: What a collective!

I was planning on a different topic for this week, and then I had a change of heart.

This week marked the beginning of the 3rd annual StartUpNation Leading Moms in Biz Competition.  Yes, I do realize that you are on the StartUpNation site, but I really want to call your attention to this unique opportunity.

First of all, huge thanks to StartUpNation for holding this competition.  It is an extraordinary feeling for moms in business to be recognized for the momentous effort behind running a business and growing a family at the same time.  For someone who manages a family and business along with spending a good part of my days helping moms realize their potential, I am so proud of ALL moms in business.

Secondly, there is the obvious amazing amount of publicity and attention that Leading Moms in Business can achieve through participating in the contest.  This goes without being said, but there is no price tag that anyone can put on this.  With tight budgets, P.R. is something that moms in business are often left to do by themselves (and it is not easy).

Finally, the MAIN reason why I am so excited by the Leading Moms in Business contest is something a bit deeper.  As moms in small start-up businesses, I find it essential that we SUPPORT one another.  What a better way to increase your mom network than participating in this contest.  There are so many awesome mom-run businesses out there, and if you are one of them — YOU should enter this contest.  Once you enter, take a good look at all the other amazing businesses entered and connect.

When I need a birthday gift for a friend, a delicious dessert sent somewhere, legal services, organizational help, or just want to find a funky new product for myself, I look to moms in business.  Where better to start than the fabulous group that StartupNation honors.  By supporting one another, referring each other, and collaborating, it is truly a WIN-WIN for all moms.

The national publicity that goes along with this contest is absolutely the priceless, but making a commitment to support one another in this contest is the icing on the cake.

If you are on Pinterest, check out my Board of moms in biz (another fun way to show off mom business products and services).

For more of a view into moms in business and all the is involved in making it happen, visit me at http://backngroovemom.com

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