4 Ways to Win E-Commerce Sales With UPC Codes

Could the three letters “U,” “P” and “C” be your passport to new sales opportunities and future growth? If your startup has a great product, it’s time to think like the big brands and set your product up to work within the requirements of any retailer: and that means UPC codes.

Even if you are starting out by selling on just one online marketplace, labeling your products with a UPC (for sale in-store and online), you are taking an important first step that could prepare you for expansion into other markets and channels.

The most important part of understanding UPCs is that they are used universally with all retailers, as well as distributors and software providers. By creating them properly from the start, you can avoid any costs associated with relabeling and make sure your products are forever linked to your company as you grow.

Related: Is Your E-Commerce Product Ready to Compete Digitally?

Take your product setup a step further by gathering all the necessary details a customer would need to buy your product, including clear, professional images. Digital content providers can help by offering scalable services to help you arrange and store all of this crucial product data.

As an entrepreneur, you’re short on time and resources, so you need to be focused on what needs to get done now. Let this infographic guide you on your way to a successful product launch. Here’s your chance to compete, right alongside major national brands in-store and online.

UPC codes

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