The Dos and Don’ts of Store Fixtures

Are your store fixtures hurting or helping you?


Setting up a store is a matter of personal taste, but should also take into account customer appeal. Your store fixtures should be easy to shop, well organized, and host an ample amount of products without overflowing. You never want your display shelves to be dusty, dirty or falling apart. Imagine you are the customer walking into your store, you would want the shelves to be well organized, easy to shop and make sense. You would also hope for enough space in-between aisles and shelving units to comfortably navigate the store. Here are our top dos and don’ts when it comes to setting up your store shelves:


  • Do make a good first impression as soon as customers enter your retail business
  • Do place merchandise on your end caps that will generate the highest gross profit
  • Do know your target customer and wither or not you are marketing to them correctly
  • Do offer the products and services your customers’ desire
  • Do your very best to keep impulse items close to checkout areas
  • Do your very best in labeling each aisle to help customers find products easier
  • Do keep best selling merchandise at eye level on shelving displays
  • Do use attractive and effective signage
  • Do take advantage of beautiful walls which might include brick or windows


  • Don’t keep your shelving and displays messy and dirty
  • Don’t have rude associates assisting customers
  • Don’t have tight aisle space (illegal in some states)
  • Don’t be discouraged by limited retail space, there are always displays created to specifically maximize small retail merchandising areas
  • Don’t forget the customer is always right
  • Don’t allow your retail displays to get stale
  • Don’t make it difficult for your customers to find products they desire
  • Don’t have checkout counters located away from entrances and exits

As long as you put yourself in the shoes of your customers, you should be able to come up with an optimal plan for setting up your store fixtures. Ask friends and family members to navigate your store and provide feedback on what they do and don’t like about your displays. If you need help coming up with store solutions, Handy Store Fixtures is here to help. With over 60 years in the retail shelving industry, we have the experts that can help get your store to where you want it to be.

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