Online Marketing Trends, marketing tasks

How to Get Rid of the Marketing Tasks You Just Can’t Stand

Find out which marketing processes you should spend time on now and download your free guide from ONTRAPORT!

Do you have marketing tasks you cannot stand? Get rid of them!!!

Who wouldn’t love to have a robot to pass off all of their least favorite marketing tasks to? You know, the things pretty much no one likes to do – manually sorting and categorizing prospects and customers into segmented lists, poring through spreadsheets to track lead sources, or even going through all of your records to pull select contacts to receive a special offer. On most marketing teams you’ll find lots of jobs you’d even feel bad about passing to an intern.

However, there is a method for eliminating, or at least streamlining, the irritating tasks that make your eyes glaze over. By creating clear and repeatable processes that govern all your marketing activity, you can save time and make room for big-picture thinking that will ultimately serve you better than a marketing robot ever would. When you invest your time proactively developing processes to manage your prospects’ and clients’ relationship with your brand, you can eliminate time spent scrambling to figure out how to send the right message to the right people.

Sort and Let the System Work For You

Segmentation is a crucial strategy for building marketing processes. Dividing the huge pool of prospects and customers into smaller groups with specific attributes will allow you to develop messaging that is particularly relevant to the needs and interests of each customer type.

If you segment your prospects right as they begin their relationship with your brand, you can eliminate a lot of the tedious work you used to do. Best part: you can build almost any type of marketing process with segmentation. And equally important, you can dramatically increase your chances of getting the right message in front of the right person at the right time.

Make Way for Optimization

Although most marketers can see the time-saving benefits of processes right away, it’s also crucial for anyone who wants to make their marketing strategy better in the long-term. By standardizing your prospects’ experience, you can start identifying ways it can be improved. It’s extremely difficult to improve work that gets done differently every time — you can’t tell the difference between what’s working and what’s not working. When you’re in control of the process, you can introduce experimentation and start optimizing.

In addition to finding the most effective strategy for your marketing, you can also optimize the efficiency of your business. As you work on turning your daily workload into a set of clear processes, you’ll start to notice areas where you can eliminate or streamline steps. You can start shaving off unnecessary or repetitive tasks, saving time for the work that is most meaningful to you. Clear processes also prime your business for the ultimate efficiency booster — automation. It’s impossible to automate a system that isn’t cohesive and repeatable. By making your processes flow clearly and predictably, you can pave the way for even bigger efficiency gains if and when you decide to embark on the adventure of marketing automation.

Having processes that you can rely on to produce consistent results will pay you in time, sanity, and lead conversion. There are plenty of reasons you should put processes to work in your business and, when done right, it’s better than having a marketing robot.

Do you know which marketing processes would take the biggest dent out of your daily list of mindless marketing tasks? Do you know which ones you should focus on to start increasing conversions? To find out which marketing processes you should spend time on now, download your free guide: Designing, Implementing and Optimizing Marketing Processes: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Developing Next Generation Marketing Skills.

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