
Independent Pharmacy Owners: How to Stand Out

Tips for Pharmacy Owners

As an independent pharmacy owner it can be difficult to make your pharmacy stand out from the bigger retailers. But the extra effort you put in is what will keep customers coming to your business, even if it is not as convenient as a pharmacy that is located on every corner. Here are a few tips for keeping customers coming back to your pharmacy, and becoming a beloved neighborhood establishment.

Internal Tips

Be Innovative: Set yourself apart from the rest by always coming up with new and better ideas for your business. Running a pharmacy is more than filling prescriptions. Be a resource that your customers don’t want to be without. Host speakers or workshops and offer literature to show them you have a pulse on the industry.

Be a Leader: Running any kind of business requires a good leader. Your employees needs to trust and depend on you in order to keep them happy and therefore your customers happy. Customers can easily pick up on the mood of a store, and if your employees are smiling and happy to be there working together, your customers will be happy while shopping. It is important to have a team atmosphere with everyone working together towards your goals.

Stay Organized: Keep your pharmacy shelves well-stocked and easy to shop. Your store should have a nice flow and products should be organized in a way that makes sense. Pharmacy fixtures can be grouped together by the type of products they host, such as a mini vitamin shop or an eye care station. Of course, keep under the counter drugs out of reach and organized with pharmacy bay units.

External Tips

Connect with the Community: This is pretty much your lifeline. Your connection with the community is what will keep them coming to your store instead of the bigger retailers. Network in your community with other small business owners so that you have people to go to with questions, concerns and common problems. Having relationships with other local business owners also boosts your chances of them recommending your store to their own customers.

Listen: Listen to your staff, customers and fellow business owners. Find out what they are happy with, what some of their frustrations are and what they would like to see in the future. It is so important to hear to what the people you depend on to keep your business running have to say.

Be Open: Let people know how your pharmacy came to be: What inspired you to get into this line of work, maybe that’s helping people feel better and be well, the impact your business has had on a community member, or a great story about how you found one of your staff members. In a small, privately owned pharmacy, your customers will want to learn more about you, and think of you as a neighbor.

Let your Dedication Shine Through: It should be clear to your customers and staff that you are passionate about the business you are in. This will help them trust you with something that is essential to every living being, their health. Helping people get better and stay well is a big responsibility, and it is being placed in your hands. Show how much this is appreciated and how seriously you take it.

Having a trusted, team-oriented staff and a connection with the community is a major part of running a small business. Keep these tips in mind to make sure your pharmacy will be a success!

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