What’s in your office?

What is the oddest, most out-of-place item in your office? Whether it’s at home or a commute away, we all end up with stuff we never meant to have.

My pet item is a can of spaghettios.

I worked at a radio station in Philadelphia and after a couple of part time jobs, and a full time job as an assistant, I got my big break. And my first office (to be truthful, it was a large cubicle). The day I moved in, it was completely empty–except for a lone can of spaghettios on a shelf. My boss and I laughed about it.

I kept it.

About four years later, I moved to Michigan. I brought the spaghettios to my new office at a station in Detroit…then to my office at a TV station, and so on. At some point the can ended up in a box in storage. I don’t know how long they were stored away, but when I finally opened the box, there was the can of spaghettios, only it was empty. A small jagged hole had rusted in the bottom, and the contents were gone. No remains at all.

I promptly called my first boss and told him the story. Two days later I received a box in the mail with a note that read, “Take better care of this one.” And so I have a new can of spaghettios on the shelf in my home office.

I was recounting this story to Heather Cohen, the producer of StartupNation Radio (click on it. Listen to it. Learn!!). Heather thought it would be fun to hear what crazy things other people have in their offices, so please share yours below.

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