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Albert Scaglione Founder and CEO of Park West Galleries

This was one of those shows where Jeff and Norm didn’t have to do too much work. They gave Albert Scaglione, founder and CEO of Park West Galleries, a topic and he ran with it!

He is as passionate about the art world today as he was the day he started.  Albert talks about everything from how he keeps the mind, body and spirit finely tuned to the importance of hiring the right people. His love of being an entrepreneur reverberates throughout the interview – his insights, energy and wisdom will truly get you energized.

About Albert Scaglione

Jeff Sloan, Albert Albert Scaglione, and Norm Pappas
Jeff Sloan, Albert Albert Scaglione, and Norm Pappas

Albert founded Park West Gallery in 1969 and is its Chief Executive Officer. Albert is as passionate about people as he is about art. Before founding Park West, Albert began his career as a mechanical engineering sciences college professor at Wayne State University in Detroit. Albert’s vision of a new way of bringing art to the world has been transformational, with over one million customers now able to enjoy the experience of collecting artwork through his ingenious efforts. Albert’s door is always open to his staff, friends and the community. In 2006, Albert and his wife Mitsie established the Park West Foundation, allowing them to give back to many in the local community through outreach programs, charitable events and an unwavering commitment to family preservation and education.

UPDATE (Jun 30, 2016): Albert Scaglione of Park West Gallery featured in the NY Times 

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