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Are you born an entrepreneur or can you be taught?

StartupNation-Radio-12-13-14Were you told early in life that you were a leader?  When it comes time to go out with your friends, do they look to you to get things going?  Do you always see the glass as half full?  Then maybe you were born an entrepreneur.  Or, maybe as life went on, you began to see how things can work better or by finding a solution to a common problem.  Over time, you learned how to be an entrepreneur.

Our guests explore this topic in great detail.  Professor Lee Meadows has been contemplating what makes an entrepreneur for most of his academic career while teaching thousands of students to become entrepreneurs.  His insights and perspectives on this subject are very enlightening.  Also sharing their experiences were Julie Andreae from Secure Beginnings LLC, Jason Beale from and Rocky Billore from Frame Art Gallery.

What all the guests agreed on was the fact that every entrepreneur, born or taught, has rough edges that they can improve.  You might have strong people skills, great networking ability and a clear vision of how you see your business, but you might be a little weak in management skills, organizational skills.  A great entrepreneur will either go out to hone the skills they are lacking or they will hire the right people.

Maybe YOU have the entrepreneur “gene” – you might be working in a job feeling frustrated every day because you would run the business so differently and just chomping at the bit to lead a department or even the company.  You feel like a round peg in a square hole, not really fitting in with the rest of the rank and file knowing that you have so much more you could be doing – You’ve always had the desire but did not know how to channel your natural ambitions.  Listen to our panel of experts to find out if you’re a natural entrepreneur and how to spring it into action!

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