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StartUpNation 2014 Home-Based 100 Competition Winners

It’s great to see that that the StartUpNation is alive with all kinds of talent and great ideas. Jeff talks with our competition winners: Scott Zalkind from Lucky Dog Hot Sauce, overall contest winner and winner of the Yummiest Category, and Rushelle Wetzel from Smiley Transportation, winner of the Most Innovative Category.

Our show today illustrates that you don’t have to look for the next revolution or the next “big idea”.  If you have a passion for something or you discover a solution to a problem that you are experiencing, you can bet that other people have a similar interest or are experiencing the same problem.

Scott Zalkind from Lucky Dog Hot Sauce
Scott Zalkind
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce

Scott started off making hot sauce that he liked for his own personal consumption.  As more and more people tried and liked his hot sauce, he started thinking this could be a great business opportunity.  “Whoever says following your dream doesn’t feel like work was lying, it sure feels like work but I love the work I am doing” says Scott.  Scott is working 15 hours a day creating new recipes, marketing his business, attending farmers markets plus all the other tasks to make a successful business and he loves every minute of it!

Rushelle has a special needs daughter who needed to be driven and picked up from school every day.  She soon realized that there were a lot of parents that were in a similar situation and from that need arose Smiley Transportation. Rushelle grew her business from shuttling a few kids to school to shuttling hundreds of kids to school with her own fleet of transportation vehicles.

Hear more about the great success stories of our competition winners along with tips and advice on how you can make a business out of your passion or by fulfilling a need on this week’s StartUpNation Radio.

StartupNation 2014 Home-Based 100 Winners

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