business on main street

How Local Merchants Can Compete With the Big Box Stores

The local, independent merchant is not alone when it comes to competing with the internet and the big box stores.  There is still a large percentage of consumers who are looking for the expertise and personal service that the local merchants provides.

Kristi Trevarrow, executive director of the Rochester DDA, provided some great examples of how the DDA is a strong advocate for the Main Street Businesses, including, organizing community events, overcoming obstacles such as major road construction on Main Street and providing valuable business advice to new businesses.  Linda Lucaj from Main Street Deli also provided some great tips on how to make your business stand out and retaining your customer base.

Melih Oztalay gave an overview of how to promote your business online.  As we were only able to scratch the surface of how to properly market your business, we have decided to give Melih a full show on this subject. Tune in at a future date to hear more of Melih’s tips and advice for a successful internet marketing campaign.

Our guests are here to tell you that local merchants can be prosperous against larger companies!

Jeff’s Takeaway:

“So, the bottom line is the local, independent business owner can thrive and successfully compete with the big box stores. There are numerous resources available including Downtown Development Authorities, other local businesses and chamber of commerce’s that are willing and eager to help your business grow. If you follow the advice given by Kristi, Linda and Melih, we’ll likely be featuring your story on a future edition of StartupNation Radio.”

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