On this morning’s WJR Business Beat, Jeff discusses how entrepreneurs can use Google Trends to find relevant search trending data that helps with decision making related to your products and services.
The best part? It’s all free and readily available at your fingertips.
Tune in to the WJR Business Beat to hear more from Jeff:
“So, if you’re an entrepreneur looking to find key insights to help guide your business decisions, check out Google Trends.”
– Jeff Sloan
Tune in to News/Talk 760 AM WJR weekday mornings at 7:11 a.m. for the WJR Business Beat. Listeners outside of the Detroit area can listen live HERE.
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Good morning, Paul.
Well, here’s a really cool resource that entrepreneurs or marketers can use to help figure out trending consumer sentiments, and if you understand that, you can understand where opportunity is both in the form of what products or services might be really desired in the marketplace at any given time, what’s trending for the future as likely to be hot, as well as to understand what channels consumers are using to access the information you want to make sure you get out in front of them with.
And the best part? It’s all free and readily available at your fingertips. That’s right, just go to Google and check out the data they make available based on Google search, the keywords that people are using in order to find information they’re most interested in.
Big research firms even use the tool. Colin Sebastian is an analyst with Robert W. Baird, a wealth management company. He tracks data so that his firm can offer their clients the most leading edge thinking about the best money management moves to make.
Here’s some examples:
Did you know Google search volume for outdoor dining, for example, fell 2.5 percent in volume over last week.
How about restaurants? Falling 6 percent over last week. Yelp fell 3 percent, searches for Uber fell 5 percent, for Lyft 8 percent.
And how about this? We’re even seeing a slight decline in social media interest, for example, interest in Instagram fell 1 percent over the prior week, Snapchat fell 4 percent, Twitter fell 5 percent.
Having insights and trending searches helps you plan what to sell and what the best channels are for creating the awareness you need to get your product or service known in the marketplace. And having this information helps you hone your focus and your resource spend.
The tool is called Google Trends. You simply enter a search query just as you would as if you were searching using Google, and Google will provide you with the relevant search trending data that helps you with this decision making.
So, if you’re an entrepreneur looking to find key insights to help guide your business decisions, check out Google Trends. That’s a hot tip for the day.
I’m Jeff Sloan, founder and CEO of StartupNation.com, and that’s today’s Business Beat on the Great Voice of the Great Lakes, WJR.