On today’s Business Beat, Jeff discusses how food delivery apps surged during the pandemic — and how they’re expected to stay for the long run.
Tune in to the Business Beat, below, to learn about why food delivery apps are taking over the business world:
“These food delivery apps that were mandatory during the pandemic lockdown are now a major lifestyle choice by consumers today. And if you’re a small business owner, you better take notice and be sure that the delivery of your product or service is smooth as silk.”
– Jeff Sloan
Tune in to News/Talk 760 AM WJR weekday mornings at 7:11 a.m. for the WJR Business Beat. Listeners outside of the Detroit area can listen live HERE.
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Good morning, Paul!
There’s no greater sign of the changing times than that of how food delivery apps have made their way, not only into the mainstream of consumer behavior during lockdown but how they’re now clearly here to stay in the post-pandemic new normal as well.
You know the ones: DoorDash and Uber Eats. I know them all too well, unfortunately. And while these apps were around and growing incrementally prior to the pandemic, there’s no denying that the pandemic propelled the industry a few years into the future, as millions of people in lockdown ordered food online for the first time. For example, grocery delivery service Instacart said it achieved its entire 2022 revenue goals in just the third week of the lockdown. Who’s doing most of the ordering using delivery apps? Well, a new study by Mobiquity indicates that not surprisingly, it’s millennials. They use delivery apps more than any other demographic, followed closely by Gen Z-ers. What are they ordering? Well, first and foremost, it’s coffee, followed right closely behind by fast food.
Now, I’ve got to tell you: I believed in a significant future for food delivery apps prior to the pandemic, but given how the lockdown forced many to use delivery apps for the first time. and given that, like me, the experience is really generally pretty amazing, this consumer behavior is clearly here to stay. And these apps are further fueling consumer expectations that their purchasing experience better be underpinned fundamentally with a high priority being paid to convenience and efficiency.
What was really started by Amazon a few years back is now permeating every aspect of what consumers expect today. These food delivery apps that were mandatory during the pandemic lockdown are now a major lifestyle choice by consumers today. And if you’re a small business owner, you better take notice and be sure that the delivery of your product or service is smooth as silk.
I’m Jeff Sloan, founder and CEO of StartupNation.com, and that’s today’s Business Beat on the Great Voice of the Great Lakes, WJR.