wjr business beat

WJR Business Beat: Super Bowl Viewing Preferences Are Changing (Episode 360)

On today’s Business Beat, Jeff explains why Super Bowl viewership underscores the importance of capitalizing on the digital, multi-platform audience.

Turn in to the Business Beat, below, to learn more from the Adtaxi survey:


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Good morning, Paul! Well, for most people watching the big game yesterday that means focusing on football or maybe the ads or the halftime performance or all the above. And in that respect not much has changed. But what has changed significantly is the way we’re watching and consuming the content associated with the Super Bowl. A survey from Denver marketing agency Adtaxi finds that nearly half of U.S. viewers likely watch the Super Bowl via a streamed digital channel versus watching it the old-fashioned way, that is on broadcast or cable TV. And why is this important to those of us in the tech and entrepreneurial space? Well, it’s because this is another harbinger of major change in the way we consume media. Here’s more interesting data, Paul. Nearly half of those watching likely interacted with another form of digital media at the same time while watching the game. Now with multiple media platforms available to us all at once, we’re likely consuming more than one type of media at the same time, even when watching a big mega event like the Super Bowl. In fact, a third of people watching the game either posted or consumed content on social media platforms specifically, a clear sign of the multi consumption, immediate by consumers. It’s truly a multi-platform world now. Chris Loretto, executive vice president of Adtaxi, surmised this. He says with nearly half of Americans utilizing digital media while watching the big game, it’s important for marketers to prioritize focus on multiple platforms, not just one. He goes on to say, it’s no surprise that consumers are favoring the convenience of streaming services now. The results of the Adtaxi survey underscore the importance of capitalizing on digital audience and is a continuation of yearslong consumer trends toward convenience, cost efficiency and personalization when it comes to media consumption. So all the Super Bowl remains big business, Paul, the businesses likely to get the lion’s share of the action are changing in very dynamic ways. I’m Jeff Sloan, founder and CEO of startupnation.com, and that’s today’s Business Beat on the Great Voice of the Great Lakes, WJR.

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