wjr business beat

WJR Business Beat: Ideas for Startup Companies Are Limitless as Space Sports Emerge (Episode 341)

Businesses largely focused on getting people into space have swung open the doors to all kinds of creative offshoots, including space sports. It’s not as pie-in-the-sky as you’d think, Jeff Sloan says on today’s episode of the Business Beat.

Tune in to the Business Beat, below, to find out more about the possibilities of space sports:

 Tune in to News/Talk 760 AM WJR weekday mornings at 7:11 a.m. for the WJR Business Beat. Listeners outside of the Detroit area can listen live HERE.

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Good morning, Paul! Today’s Business Beat is presented by our good friends at Kapnick Insurance. Well, for those of you out there, thinking of starting a new business, but just trying to think of what business to start, how about something different, perhaps something out of the ordinary and distinct. Want to be ahead of the curve? Well, here’s an idea for you. How about starting a business and the business of what is now a category and soon coming to a planet near you? Of course, we’re referring to the business of space sports. That’s right. Stick with me here. This is for real and will likely be big business in the not-too-distant future. Entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson have created space businesses. Businesses now valued in the billions and their businesses, largely focused on getting people into space, have swung open the doors to all kinds of creative offshoots. That’s where the burgeoning category of space sports comes into play as Leonard David proclaims in his article in this week’s publication of Space, “Let the space games begin.” What kind of sports you ask? Well, it could be anything from guiding a magnetic ball through hoops in space to playing dodgeball in space to dune buggy races in low gravity. And the athletes will play these games while they’re known, of course, as astro elites, individuals with the core skills of an astronaut and the spirit of an athlete. Now Space Games Federation founder Linda Rheinstein told space.com, “Our focal points are entertainment, engagement, and education.” Where will these events take place? “Well, how about on the moon or on Mars, for example,” says Weinstein. “These will be the playing fields of tomorrow.” She even points out that eager fans will be able to watch broadcasts of the games as they’re played live, albeit maybe with a few seconds delay to reach the earth, of course, but broadcasting means sponsors and big business. And now you get the idea. Now, I know, I know you’re listening to this and smirking cute but silly, right? No way. The thing I love about this story is that the next time an entrepreneur is trying to think of a good idea for a business to start, no reason to be constrained. After all, we now know there’s a universe of possibilities out there just waiting for you to consider. I’m Jeff Sloan, founder and CEO of startupnation.com, and that’s today’s Business Beat brought to you by Dell Technologies on the Great Voice of the Great Lakes, WJR.

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