WJR Business Beat

WJR Business Beat: The Most Popular Startup Type State-by-State (Episode 395)

On today’s Business Beat, Jeff Sloan reveals the top choices for startups across the United States. Can you guess what Michigan’s is?

Tune in to today’s Business Beat to learn the most popular startup choices:


Tune in to News/Talk 760 AM WJR weekday mornings at 7:11 a.m. for the WJR Business Beat. Listeners outside of the Detroit area can listen live HERE.

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Good morning, Paul!

Well, we know that our great country is the land of opportunity when it comes to entrepreneurship and starting new businesses, but who knew that there are some startup choices that are more popular in one state versus another? Well, a study recently commissioned by Sure Payroll analyzed more than 600 small businesses by Google search terms on a state-by-state basis to identify the most popular type of business Americans want to start in their state.

First, before getting to that state-by-state analysis, the majority of Google searchers keyed in on how to start five small business types most of all: 1, a clothing boutique; No. 2, home and or yard renovation type businesses; No. 3, online retail; 4, food-related businesses, and 5, those in the fitness sector. And what states do people want to start a clothing boutique? The No. 1 most sought-after well, people in Alabama and Kentucky want to start that type of business most of all, while in Georgia, it’s starting Airbnb businesses, Massachusetts it’s consulting businesses.

Now, interestingly, as it relates to our great state of Michigan, the No. 1 most sought-after business startup type it’s those related to woodworking. That’s right. One might think it would have had something to do with the auto industry, but oh no. Harkening back to our roots as one of America’s great lumber producing states, we still love wood. And now businesses relating to woodworking are the No. 1 most sought-after startup type in our great state of Michigan.

So, there you have it, Paul.

I’m Jeff Sloan, founder and CEO of startupnation.com, and that’s today’s Business Beat on the Great Voice of the Great Lakes, WJR.

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