3-Day StartupNation Contest – Win Advertising on StartupNation.com (or an iPod Nano)

I wonder if you’d help me settle a bet we have running in the office?

It’s my belief that as a visitor to StartupNation.com you tend to focus on one aspect of our website and don’t often get exposed to the entirety of what we offer. I also believe that if you were to check out more of StartupNation.com, you’d like what you found there. Others here believe that you’re already totally informed about what’s available at the site.

And I’d like to ask you to help us get to the bottom of this.

By the way, as an incentive we’re giving away a chance to win your choice of either a week of free advertising for your business on StartupNation.com or an iPod Nano.

To help us settle the bet, follow this link to a forum topic I’ve created in the StartupNation.com community. We’ll collect some very brief feedback from you, taking only a couple of minutes of your time (and qualifying you for the drawing of the winner of either advertising or an iPod Nano).

We’ll use this feedback to create an even more valuable community and website for you, which is fundamental to our mission.

This contest lasts only 3 days, until the end of Thursday, August 31.

Have fun!

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