CERN Fires Up The LHC And Destroys eBay’s Best Match System!

Hi gang,

Ok, that was funny right there – I don’t care who you are!

(sorry Larry the Cable Guy)

This past week has been an unbelievable one for fans of particle physics, black holes, the big bang, quantum physics, and eBay’s Best Match system.

You may have heard a faint rumbling recently, or possibly your coffee cup disappeared.  That’s because CERN just unleashed the largest scientific project ever on the world –  the LHC, or Large Hadron Collider.  This 17 mile 300 foot underground particle accelerator is designed to smash things together at a very high velocity, and then study what happened to the particles.   It could explain the Big Bang,  Black Holes,  and possibly Donald Trumps hair.

Critics argued that a possible side effect of colliding particles in this manner could cause a black hole and we’d all be toast.   Luckily – they were wrong!

The LHC did have one unintended side effect, however.  It appears to have completely screwed up eBays Best Match system.  Over the past few days, hundreds of users have reported that search results are either completely random or completely backwards.

Coincidence?  I think not.



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