Creating a matched giving policy

My previous post explained the importance of being an
enlightened entrepreneur and giving back to your community through your
business. You can use your email newsletters to announce to your customers
which charities and non-profit organizations are important to you. Today’s post
also deals with content you can include in your email messages about charitable
giving. You can create a matched giving policy where both you and your
employees can individually contribute to the charity your company has selected.

When you get to a point where your business is able to hire
new employees, you should institute a matched giving policy for your company.
Once you select the charity of non-profit organization of your choice, encourage
your employees to donate, and match their donations fully or as a percentage. At
our company iContact, we instituted a policy to match donations to charitable
organizations up to $300 per employee. Through your email newsletters, you can
announce your company’s charitable giving on a quarterly or yearly basis, and
illustrate to your customers that you are active in both the marketplace and
your community. Your prospects and customers will see that you are a
responsible corporate citizen and be more inclined to stick with your business.
Your emails may be the catalyst to get your customers to donate to your
selected charity as well.

You can also use your emails to highlight and publicize an
event that your selected charity or non-profit is having, and encourage your
local customers to attend. If you work something out with the organization
ahead of time, you can announce in your emails that you will be attending the
event. This is a perfect opportunity for some of your customers to meet you in
person, and give back to the community at the same time. 

As entrepreneurs, we can work together to build stronger
communities and societies. Have a great weekend and I will back with more email
marketing advice next week.


Ryan Allis

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