Everyone Says They Want the Big Order

Everyone says they want the big order.

But beyond all the techniques and tricks of the trade you’ve heard about how to crank up your sales, here’s an ever-looming challenge entrepreneurs have to deal with:

Would you take an order–sell, basically–a product or service only once it’s clearly developed, locked, loaded, and ready to go?

Or, would you sell, sell, sell, regardless of whether you’ve got everything buttoned up and just focus on drumming up business? Heck you’d rather figure out the "details" later on!

This comes down to your tolerance for risk. It’s always a gutsy move to make a promise when you’re not absolutely sure whether or not you can really deliver.

If you’re going to take the aggressive route, you’ve got to be strident, trusting in your ability to move quickly to take advantage of whatever opportunities you generate.

You’ve heard the stories about how a "big order" has submarined an overly ambitious small business. But what’s an entrepreneur to do? Say, "No" to a huge opportunity?

Not us.

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