Risky Business

We’re in Miles City, Montana this weekend at the world famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale. What a blast! People come here from all over for a 3-day party in the streets, intermingled with auctions of bucking horses, a horse and tractor parade, craft shows and street dances. The bucking horses get ridden (few of the cowboys last the proverbial 8 seconds), then immediately auctioned off. Prices range from $200 to $10,000.

Riding a bucking horse is obviously a risky activity.

But sometimes risk comes from unexpected places. We are staying in a nice campground within walking distance of both downtown and the fairground. Some people have tents, others campers and RV’s. Nobody expected anything risky to occur at the campground. Least of all this nice gentleman from Cheyenne. But when he returned to his camper, he was surprised to find something amiss.

Since this is a business-oriented blog, I’ll draw the lesson. Make sure that you think about the risks in your business. Insure against them if you can, mitigate them as best you can. Never ignore them.

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