The Wahm Addict Wins the “Savviest in Social Media” Category
Congratulations to The Wahm Addict , located in Clinton Township, Michigan, for being named in the Top 10 for 2014 Home-Based 100 Business Winners. The Wahm Addict won the top spot in the “Savviest in Social Media Category”! We caught up with business co-owners and entrepreneurs Linda Chisnall and Gina Langley and asked them to answer some questions and share some words of advice and inspiration with our StartupNation audience. you can also find and connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+.
Tell Us About Your Journey

StartupNation: What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?
Linda and Gina: One of our favorite aspects of being an entrepreneur is developing and creating new ideas that benefit others who work from home. Breathing life into a concept and having it serve a purpose or be a solution is very empowering.
StartupNation: To what do you attribute your success as an entrepreneur and business owner?
Linda and Gina: We attribute our success to drive and determination. When told something cannot be done, it flips a switch within both of us to prove it can be by taking pride in our work and giving it 110%. We are truly goal driven and strive to meet them on a daily basis.
StartupNation: What ignited the spark in you to start/select your particular business as an entrepreneur?
Linda and Gina: Over the last 14 years, we have encountered numerous roadblocks within the home business industry. We knew there had to be a better way to help others, regardless of experience level.
StartupNation: What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
Linda and Gina:
- Listening – It is vitally important to practice good listening skills to assist your clients in reaching their goals.
- Communication – Communicating effectively in all aspects, including person-to-person, email, social media, etc.
- Be Teachable – Be honest with yourself and realize owning a home business is a learning process. Continued education and training is a must when you are a home business owner.

Words of Wisdom – Inspiration for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
StartupNation: If you had one piece of advice for someone just starting out, what would it be?
Linda and Gina: Research and research more! Look into every aspect of a business and what it entails. Ensure you are ready to take on this huge task by being informed and knowledgeable about your pending business venture.
StartupNation: Where do you find your greatest inspiration?
Linda and Gina: Customer satisfaction inspires us to keep doing what we do!
StartupNation: What is your favorite motivational/business quote as an entrepreneur?
Linda and Gina: “Nothing will work unless you do.” – Maya Angelou
StartupNation: A motto you live by?
Linda and Gina: Success is not a destination. It is a journey.
Tell Us About Your Business, Experiences & Funding Your Startup
StartupNation: How did you get funding for your startup?
Linda and Gina: We started with very few resources and reinvested all of our earnings back into our business.
StartupNation: Recommendations for others starting out?
Linda and Gina: Stop and really think about what you actually need to start your business. Just because you may “want” something for your business, doesn’t mean it can’t wait. Delayed gratification can be very rewarding.
Marketing and Building Their Customer Base
StartupNation: How do you market and build your customer base?
Linda and Gina: We utilize social media and email marketing. Our customers share their stories with others, so word of mouth marketing has also been beneficial to us.
StartupNation: Recommendations for others starting out?
Linda and Gina: Get to know your potential customers. Putting forth the effort to network and actually build true relationships goes a long way. When your customers trust you, you know you have done something right. Repeat business keeps businesses running.
Changes in the Business Market
StartupNation: What changes have you seen in your business market since starting?
Linda and Gina: One of the biggest changes we have seen is mobile marketing. Developing tools and resources that are mobile friendly can be challenging. There has been a dramatic increase in the idea of having a home business since we started our business.
StartupNation: What do you see coming that will impact your business?
Linda and Gina: As individuals start realizing they can make a living working from home, more and more will be leaving the corporate world to live the dream of being their own boss. This could impact our business by potentially having more customers who may need assistance marketing and advertising their business.
Learn more about Linda and Gina and other businesses that entered and placed in the competition by clicking here for the top ten and a full list 2014 Home-Based 100 Business Winners and entrants.
Do you have a startup? Are you a passionate entrepreneur with an idea that has taken off and want to share your success with others? Would you like your business to receive priceless exposure in the media and be positioned to take your business to the next level? Then join us this fall for the 8th Annual StartupNation Home-Based 100 Competition which ranks outstanding home-based businesses and the amazing people behind them! Watch for your change to enter! In the meantime, be sure to visit us daily for new content to support and grow your business!