Get Real. Get Real-Time, That Is.

Ready or not, Google is turning real-time. In the past week, Google has started including real-time listings on the first page of its results. The initiative is appropriately called “Real-Time Search.”

So, instead of just listing articles, images, videos, blog postings, etc. in its results, Google is now incorporating a list of rotating items from Twitter and a number of web publishers. (Google has promised to incorporate posts from Facebook and MySpace in the future, as well.)

So far, it appears that the real-time listings are included for various topical searches such as “Tiger Woods” and “Sherlock Holmes,” as well as a host of other random searches. The incorporation of real-time results is not pervasive by any means, but don’t be surprised to see these types of items on Google Page One for your industry, products and services in the coming year.

real-time search

Essentially, the popularity of social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have made it imperative for Google to become more relevant by incorporating more up-to-date (well, up-to-the-minute is more like it…) information.

What does this mean for you and your business?

  1. Get Social
    To increase the likelihood that you’ll be included in Google’s real-time results, you need to participate. This means getting involved in social media like Twitter. Your business needs to be current in order to be considered current.
  2. Use Keywords
    When you participate in social media, remember to incorporate your target keywords. Don’t overdo it. However, these generic keywords are important for getting Google to understand the topics on which you are an authority.
  3. Think Topical & Timely
    When you participate in social media, include some posts about topical and timely events.
  4. Paid Search Ads
    Real-time search makes ranking organically that much harder. If you don’t have the resources to devote to real-time social media participation, then consider increasing your investment in paid search advertising for your critical keywords to ensure visibility on Page One of Google.
  5. Increase Followers
    Strive to increase your Followers, such as those on Twitter, as much as possible. The more reach you have, the more likely others will share/forward your content, indicating your credibility to Google.

These are just a few suggestions to help you take advantage of real-time search and to improve your Internet Marketing in driving your revenue growth. If you need additional help, let me know below. Thanks!

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