Home Business Lessons They Taught Wrong in Kindergarten

Is it just me, or are all the cute little lessons you learned in kindergarten just not applicable when you become a home entrepreneur?

Remember to share…
When you’re an entrepreneur you need three forms of identification, a face-to-face meeting, a confidentiality agreement with a no-compete clause and a patent pending application just to share an idea!

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Are you kidding? If you run a startup, you have to do unto others waaaay before someone else comes along, does the same thing unto your customers, and steals market share.   

A penny saved is a penny earned.
The heck it is. That penny has to be re-invested in the business.

Don’t run with scissors.
A home entrepreneur just calls that multitasking. Heck, we run with scissors, a pairing knife, a stapler, and a cell phone while we’re text messaging and doing pilates.

Don’t brag.
Isn’t that a little something called, Oh, I don’t know… MARKETING? I can’t wait to send out a big, blank press release to the Oprah show because I can’t brag.

That list is, I’m sure, just the beginning. If you have more toss them in the comments section. I’d love to hear your mixed-up morality messages!

Stella out.


Startup Stella contributes to this blog from her two-dimensional world, which you can learn more about by visiting this cartoon strip StartupNation created to share Stella’s quirky but classic entrepreneurial epiphanies with you.


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