Win Tax Software (delivered by express mail) for Your Business

Knowing some among you are in a last-minute dash to get those taxes filed, we’ve worked out a special giveaway opportunity for 20 StartupNation users to win a free copy of TurboTax Business software, provided to us by Office Depot. 

TurboTax Business is tax preparation software that asks easy questions about your personal and small business income, finds business write-offs, checks for errors and helps decrease the risk of an audit.

This is all part of the bigger picture in which StartupNation continues to help you save time, save money, make more money and reach your goals in business more efficiently. Nice to have a company like Office Depot on board with the same objectives!

If you want your shot at winning a free copy of TurboTax Business, here’s what you do:

Simply enter a comment below about how a product like this from Office Depot could help you file your taxes.

This contest starts today and ends at midnight eastern time on Friday, April 10.

We will randomly pick 20 winners from all comments provided by small business owners. CPAs and other tax professionals are asked not to participate so as to allow those with lesser tax filing resources and sophistication to have the best chances to win this invaluable software. Only one comment is allowed per contestant.

The 20 winners will be announced Saturday, April 11, and copies of the software will be express mailed to them promptly. Winners must by 18 years of age or older and must be based in the U.S.

All StartupNation spam rules apply, and StartupNation retains the right to delete any blog comments it deems to be inappropriate. If contestants do not provide a website link–with contact information available at their website–in their comment, we will have no means to contact them, and, accordingly they will not be included in the random drawing. Note that the comment posting process in our blogs give you an opportunity to list and link to your website in a convenient way.

Jump in! Become a winner! We look forward to reading your comments.

As always, we want you to start it up, and we hope this TurboTax software giveaway helps!

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