8 Things I’m Thankful for as a Business Owner

Sometimes we all get mired in the bills we have to pay, the past-due invoices from clients, and the stress of running a business, but in these times and all year long count your blessings.

Being Thankful as a Business Owner

As an entrepreneur, there’s quite a lot to be thankful for, if you think about it. Sure, sometimes you’d rather bury your head under a pillow than wake up and deal with the problems that lie ahead at your company, but in the end, it’s worth it.

Here are the things I’m thankful for (and you should be too).

1. Flexibility and Freedom

Many of us are attracted to the fact that, as business owners, we set our own schedules, and can prioritize our day. For me, I build my schedule around my kids’ tournaments and performances. This lets me be active in watching them grow up while still getting work done.

2. A Great Business Partner

I happen to be married to my business partner, Phil. You might not be, but if you have a business partner, appreciate them for everything they do. Phil balances out my professional skills with his own, and we’ve found a way to make working together and living together fit our needs.

3. Amazing Employees

I’m also lucky to have hired some of the best people in my field. Most have been with the company since we first started. I love that they’re my second family and that we all enjoy working together. Can you say the same about your team?

4. A Supportive Online Network

If you’re like me, you’re active on social sites and blogs. This is the lifeblood of my business’ marketing, and I am so thankful for all those people who read my content and share it across the Web. We wouldn’t be as successful if not for them.

5. Serving People

I’d make a great waitress, because I genuinely love helping people. In my line of work, I get to help people start a business and fulfill a dream. Whether you sell dog bowls or work one-on-one with your clients, you should appreciate the fact that you get to improve their lives in some way, big or small.

6. Doing What You Love

Who among us didn’t start a business because we wanted to do something we enjoyed? Being surrounded by our passions every day is inspiring. I know it keeps me going, even through stressful times.

7. Something New Every Day

One day I might be working with a lawyer to help his clients incorporate their businesses. The next, I might be on FOX Small Business, doling out advice to would-be entrepreneurs. My business life is anything but rote, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

8. The Future is Up to You

You’re not beholden to a boss who sets your course for success (or not). If you want to continue in your line of business, you can. If you want to sell that business and start another — or retire to a beach somewhere — the choice is yours.

Sometimes we all get mired in the bills we have to pay, the past-due invoices from clients, and the stress of running a business, but in these times, I find it valuable to count my blessings…even if Thanksgiving is months away.

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